Covid, Von der Leyen: “EU among world leaders in vaccinations”

“We are leaders in the world on vaccines”, the European Union can be “proud” of how it has faced, “together”, the crisis produced by the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has decided to tackle climate change. This is what the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen claims, during the speech on the State of the Union, underlining that “in the biggest health crisis of the century, we have chosen to get together, so that every part of Europe has the same access to the life-saving vaccine “. “In the deepest economic crisis in decades, we have decided to act together with Next Generation Eu. And in the most serious planetary crisis ever, we have chosen to proceed together, with the Green Deal. We have done it together as a Commission, as a Parliament, as a 27 Member States. As one Europe. And we can be proud of it “, he concludes.

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