The minimum wage will increase by 34.20 euros gross per month on October 1 due to the rise in inflation – franceinfo

According to the Labor Code, an increase of at least 2% in inflation automatically results in an increase in the minimum wage.

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The minimum wage will increase automatically on October 1, due to inflation. With the consumer price index rising 2.2% from November 2020, the minimum wage will increase by around 34.20 gross per month. Currently at 1,554.58 euros (gross monthly), it will be increased to around 1,589 euros. The gross hourly minimum wage should go from 10.25 to 10.48 euros. Indeed, the Labor Code (article L3231-5) provides that an increase of at least 2% must lead to an increase in the same proportions.

The last automatic increase in the minimum wage during the year due to inflation was 2.1% on December 1, 2011. The minimum wage also benefits each year from a mechanical increase calculated according to two criteria: the inflation observed for 20% of households with the lowest incomes and half of the gain in purchasing power of the basic hourly wage for workers and employees (SHBOE).

Each year, some unions (such as the CGT which claims a minimum wage of 1,800 euros gross) ask the government to go beyond the automatic increase, but the last “boost” (0.6% coupled with 1 , 4% for anticipated inflation) dates back to July 2012, the day after the election of Socialist President François Hollande. Governments that followed refrained from any one-off increase, arguing that it would hurt the employment of the least skilled.

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