ANALYSIS OF COVID: The number of cases increased especially among young people! Almost a third are from abroad –

The Public Health Office published an analysis of cases in the summer months. In July and August, we recorded a total of 4,162 positive cases tested. This is an increase in positive cases of up to 23 percent.

Most positive cases increased among young people

“Compared to June 2021, when there were 3,201 positive cases, this is a 23 percent increase,” stated Adriána Plšková from the Department of Epidemiology of the RÚVZ based in Banská Bystrica. The highest incidence was recorded in July and August in the age group 15 to 19 and 20 to 24 years. “The proportion of risk groups aged 65 and over was low – 354 cases,” she stated.

Source: ÚVZ SR

The Bratislava Region recorded the most cases from the regional point of view, namely 962 cases, ie 23% of all cases in the Slovak Republic. “The second highest incidence was in the Košice region – 811 cases, ie 19% of all cases,” it is written in the analysis.


Source: ÚVZ SR

Almost a third of them were from abroad

Of the total number of 4162 cases, 1132 were imported, which is 27%. Positive people came from a total of 25 countries.

The most imported diseases were from the following countries:

– Croatia: 214 (72 times delta variant),
– Spain: 73 (57 times delta variant),
– Czech Republic: 65 (23 times delta variant),
– Greece: 56 (16 times delta variant),
– United Kingdom: 45 (28 times delta variant),
– Cyprus: 27 (12 times delta variant),
– from other countries 1 to 3 cases.


Source: ÚVZ SR

During the summer months, a total of 1173 cases caused by the delta variant were confirmed, of which 397 in imported cases, 48 ​​times it was related to the imported case. In other cases, the travel history was negative.

Clinical forms of the disease:

– asymptomatic: 934 times (22%),
– respiratory: (sore throat, rhinitis, cough) 2595 times (62%),
– febrile: 404 times (10%),
– sensory: 79 times (2%)
– intestinal: 18 times (1%)
– pulmonary: 29 times (1%)
– other (cardiac, neurological, joint, etc.): 103 times (2%).

In recent weeks, the number of infected people has increased slightly, including the reproductive number. “The development of the situation will mainly affect people’s behavior: compliance with the set measures within the country and after coming from abroad and increasing the proportion of vaccinated people,” added Plšková.

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