Emmanuel Macron wants “independent control” of the French police

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The action of the police forces will be subject to “independent control” and “external” to the current General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), nicknamed the “police force”. Emmanuel Macron must make the announcement Tuesday at the end of the Beauvau security. Further promises on new investments in security and changes in the conduct of the security mission are expected to follow.

In response to recurring criticisms aimed at the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) nicknamed “the police of the police”, Emmanuel Macron must announce Tuesday, September 14 in Roubaix an “independent control” of “the action of the forces of the order, “AFP learned Monday from the Elysee.

The modalities of this “independent control” were not specified, but in April 2021, the Head of State had mentioned in an interview with Le Figaro the creation of a “parliamentary delegation in charge of control [des] forces of order “, like the delegation for intelligence.

This control will be “external” to the IGPN, the same source said. Regarding the functioning of this institution, the Élysée affirmed that there would be “more transparency” and a “greater effectiveness of [ses] recommendations “.

Announcements expected for the closure of Beauvau de la sécurité

Emmanuel Macron is due to close on Tuesday at the Roubaix police academy, the Beauvau of security, a vast consultation launched in February and intended to improve the conditions for exercising the profession of police officer. He will speak in front of an audience of elected officials from this region led by Xavier Bertrand, candidate for the presidential election.

His speech will be the occasion for a series of “substantial” announcements, we added to the presidency. “The State and the nation will invest massively but in return, there will be radical changes in the conduct of the security mission,” it was argued.

The president will insist on “the links between security forces and justice for more efficiency and speed”, as well as on the “police-population link, with the will to see” the measures “quickly”. “There will be quick decisions with a budget translation from 2022”, we promised, without quantified details.

Among the measures announced, should include provisions on video surveillance, training of law enforcement, supervision and “attractiveness” of the functions of judicial police.

With AFP

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