Attacks of September 11: the French still haunted by the horror of the events – Franceinfo


Video length: 2 min.

Article written by

PL. Monnier, O. Martin, V. Gaglione, N. Ramaherison, T. Simonet, S. DAuban S. Pichavant, A.Bouville, A.Boulet – France 2

France Televisions

This Saturday, September 11, 2021, the inhabitants of the whole world paid a vibrant tribute to the victims of the attacks perpetrated on American soil. In France, everyone remembers their memories of that nightmarish day.

Images of the World Trade Center attacks in new York (United States), which took place twenty years before, are still present in the memory of the French. On September 11, 2001, it was 2:46 p.m. in Paris, when the first plane crashed into one of the two towers. People interviewed by France Télévisions teams remember what they were doing and where they were on the day of this disaster, when David Pujadas and Élise Lucet show the images on the air on public service channels .

“I am sitting and wondering if what I am looking at is real”, tells a Lyonnaise. “I can’t see these images anymore”, adds a passerby, tears in her eyes. Those who were not born in 2001 also pay tribute to the 2,977 victims of the attacks during various ceremonies across the country. “It was my teacher who explained to me the importance of these events and I thank him for that”, testifies a young student from Saint-Lô in Manche.

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