G7, Di Maio meets Johnson: “See you in Italy for the G20”

During the second day of the G7 in London, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “See you in Italy in a few months on the occasion of the G20” Di Maio told Johnson, referring to the summit to be held in Rome under the Italian presidency at the end of October. Also in the morning, on Facebook, Di Maio wrote that “on this second day of the G7 in London I will reiterate to my counterparts that we are working to welcome foreign tourists to Italy, in total safety. We are ready to welcome them to our enchanting regions. Forward with confidence, long live Italy “.” Let’s start again from Italian excellence, enhancing our cities and the skills of our artisans. We are reopening, with the aim of restarting tourism and the economy. We must support the tourism sector, traders, restaurateurs. We must do business and create jobs – he urged – Italy is ready, we are working to completely overcome the curfew, but let us not let our guard down “.