Vox will request a referendum on immigration control: “All of Spain is already devoured by insecurity”

The party wants Spaniards to choose the immigration control model they want They understand that illegal immigration turns into violence, insecurity and crimes Buxadé believes that the commission on what happened in Melilla will become “an act of criminalization by the Civil Guard “The vice president and MEP of Vox, Jorge Buxadé, has closed this Saturday the II South Border Meeting that his party and the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists have held this weekend in Ceuta, where he has announced that those of Santiago Abascal will demand a referendum under article 92 of the Constitution so that “we Spaniards can say what model of immigration control we want”. In addition, the Catalan politician has stated that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, “has to resign”, but not because of his management of the tragedy at the Melilla fence. In statements to the media next to the Ceuta border, Buxadé has “demanded” that “a consultation with the Spanish be called on what is the model of immigration control that we want”, since “the elites already know that they want illegal, massive and uncontrolled immigration”. “We have come with colleagues from Sweden, Poland, France or Italy so that they see the reality of illegal immigration, a political, judicial, social, military and media problem; and to point out those responsible, who are the politicians in Madrid, in Ceuta and also in Brussels who live on the fringes of the reality that, for example, the people of Ceuta live”, he criticized. Buxadé has denounced that “all the routes of illegal immigration” to Europe are “open, from Cyprus to the Canary Islands”, and has opined that ” The solution is to reform the Civil Code in matter of nationalities to prevent their acquisition to all those who do not prove their conformity with our way of life and who do not renounce theirs”. “This illegal immigration then turns into violence, insecurity and crimes in the streets of Stockholm, Paris , Madrid, Barcelona or Ceuta and in recent days we have had stabbings of young people in Tarragona and Seville, massive brawls on the Gran Vía in Valencia, in Lavapiés… All of Spain is already devoured by insecurity and violence,” he warned. Political “ignominy” about the Melilla tragedy “Vox is not going to participate in acts that call into question the good work of the Civil Guard and the National Police: on the contrary, we demand more legal, material and personal support so that they can do the function that has been entrusted to them, which is to defend our borders and our freedom”, he summarized. Buxadé has asserted that Vox has “full confidence” in the Security Forces, as well as “distrust towards them”. politicians”, and has argued that “Mr Marlaska and the entire government have to resign, but not precisely because the Civil Guard does its job in defense of its borders”. “We always defend the actions of the Civil Guard, which acts without sufficient personal or material means and, in addition, he suffers subsequent media harassment because there are always media outlets that blame him for what is an illegal act and Marlaska has left our Security Forces helpless”, he added.