New anti-riot material for the Civil Guard in Melilla

New equipment for the agents of the Civil Guard operation300 riot helmets and 300 anti-gas masks have been acquiredIn addition, 120 videoconference equipment with the capacity to interconnect with any administrationThe offices of the armed institute are certified so that it is not necessary to transfer detainees to judicial headquarters300 riot helmets and 300 gas masks are part of the new material that the Civil Guard has acquired for the units that provide service in Melilla, for an amount of 477,000 euros. Also 120 videoconferencing equipment to maintain communications with any external equipment. The current deployment of 502 pieces of equipment has made it possible for companies and main posts to have videoconferencing equipment with the capacity to interconnect with any administration. Now it will be possible to go down to the Civil Guard Post level and start the project with the Ministry of Justice. In this way, the dependencies of the meritorious person may be certified with the objective that actions that are carried out have full legal validity and it is not necessary to transfer the detainees to judicial dependencies, being able to make the appearance electronically. In addition, 48 radar sets have been acquired for the armed institute’s oceangoing vessels and tall and medium-sized vessels to enhance its capacity for early detection and interception of vessels of interest and rescue of people.