The PP accuses Sánchez of being disqualified and the president responds: “Enough is enough and comply with the Constitution”

Sánchez returned to Congress to have his first face-to-face with the PP after the breakdown of negotiations to renew the CGPJ. The control session has served as a thermometer to certify that relations between the Government and the main opposition party are going through their most tense moment and the bridges are broken. The question that the number two of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, had planned for the President of the Government was about the economy, but she herself has raised the issue of the Judiciary by asking Sánchez that his pacts with the independentists “disable him” from seeking the general interest. She has reproached him for her mortgages and has asked him to renounce in the parliamentary seat to modify the crime of sedition as the sovereignists demand. She has also demanded that he clarify who is “Mr. X” of the PSOE who visited the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont. Sánchez has charged against the PP and its lack of arguments. She has reminded Gamarra that they distribute cards of “Spanishness and constitutionality” but when the PP was at the head of the Government, Spain was “close to breaking”. She has made it ugly again that for the popular the Executives are legitimate only when they govern. Comply with the Constitution “Enough is enough and comply with the Constitution!”, Sánchez proclaimed at the end of her intervention. It is the call that Sánchez has repeated since the talks broke down. Before, he had explained that Alberto Núñez Feijóo began by proposing a tax cut and the Lizz Truss fiasco came in the United Kingdom, he spoke of an Iberian scam and now it is a measure that the European Commission applauds, he voted against free public transport that Thousands of Spaniards benefit and they opposed the tax on energy companies that several international organizations currently defend. For the rest, the president has defended his economic measures and has put various data on the table such as the 20 and a half million affiliates to Social Security, the economy growing at 4% or inflation data. They figure that for Sánchez they certify the validity and effectiveness of his proposals. “Despite the difficulties and its denialist opposition,” he said, the government is advancing and protecting the country’s social majority. Gamarra, who had described the Government’s economic policy as “propaganda” that does not pay the purchase bills of the Spaniards, has denounced that Sánchez, whenever he has the opportunity to choose between one and the other, has chosen independence and “radicalism” in instead of the sense of state. “You don’t have a word”, Gamarra has emphasized. Faced with this, he has defended his leader: “Feijóo has a word, political principles and conscience. And you don’t, that’s the difference.”