Bolsonaro limits himself to saying that he will respect the Constitution after losing the elections

The president of Brazil does not congratulate the winner, Lula da SilvaIt was his first appearance after not being re-elected in the elections last SundayThe politician has referred to the “feeling of indignation and injustice of the electoral process”He was seen wanting to finish soon . In his first appearance after losing the elections last Sunday, Jair Bolsonaro did not congratulate the winner, Lula da Silva. Three minutes of speech in which the acting president of Brazil wanted to thank the more than 58 million citizens who voted for him. The politician has spoken of “feeling of indignation and injustice of the electoral process.” Many of his followers block highways and access to major cities in the country. “Peaceful demonstrations will always be welcome, but our methods cannot be those of the left that have always harmed the population,” he has argued without further reference to those protests unleashed in Brazil. “We need freedom and we are stronger than ever for order and progress.” The only reference to his political opponents has been when, without mentioning them by name, he has referred to them as “undemocratic.” “I have always been told that it was anti-democratic and contrary to my opponents, I have always played within the four lines of our democracy,” Bolsonaro assured, surrounded by members of his government. “I will continue to comply with all the commandments of the Constitution of my country.” Just three minutes of speech. With the same haste with which he has arrived, he has left. Lula will take office on January 1 The new president of Brazil will take office on January 1. Ahead there are two months of transition of power in which the elected vice president, Geraldo Alckmin, will lead the coordination of the teams. “Geraldo Alckmin is the vice president of the Republic. He has more than legitimacy and political and institutional power to lead this. The decision of the president (elect) went in that direction,” the president of the Workers’ Party (PT) announced on Tuesday. , Gleisi Hoffmann. The Minister of the Civil House, Ciro Nogueira, has indicated that President Bolsonaro has already given the go-ahead to begin the transfer of powers in the coming months, whose process is expected to begin on Thursday and will take place at the Cultural Center Bank of Brazil. Alckmin, of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) and the former governor of Sao Paolo, will lead a team of 50 people, including Hoffmann and former minister Aloizio Mercadante, who coordinated the government program for the candidacy of Lula, to start the transition. “Our proposal is to go to Brasilia, have a face-to-face meeting with whoever is part of the (Bolsonaro) government that will make this transition so that p We can get the transition team up and running,” Hoffmann said.