Feijóo avoids the train crash with Ayuso and closes the internal crisis due to sedition

The PP ignores Ayuso’s protagonism with the sedition so as not to commit with it the errors of CasadoBarones del PP admit a certain “fed up” with Ayuso’s free verse attitude but from his surroundings they warn that he does not intend to shut upFeijóo closes his first internal crisis later of the barons transmitting the discomfort between mayors and middle cadres of the PP months before the municipal and regional elections The president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has wanted to sell herself to the toughest on the right as the standard-bearer of the break with the Government for sedition. That attitude has given wings to Moncloa’s arguments that blame his boss, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who “is not an autonomous leader” and allows himself to be pressured by “the most reactionary right”. That movement of the Madrid baroness causes misgivings but from Genoa they have chosen to avoid the train crash. They are clear that they are not going to make the same mistakes with her as Pablo Casado and that cost him her defenestration.“Ayuso has tried to score that goal. But Feijóo is not one to let himself be pressured. He doesn’t waste a second arguing with her. In that he is much more skilled than Pablo ”, recognizes NIUS a popular baron with command in the square. “He keeps his way, he doesn’t swerve and he doesn’t pay any attention. Not as Married”. 10 days ago Ayuso alerted Feijóo against the pact of the Judiciary with the microphones ahead. Last Thursday, hours before the agreement was blown up, he made it public that he had already expressed his disagreement to the leader of the PP. “I have already transferred what corresponds to whom it corresponds,” he said for the record. As if it had not been clear enough, the next day from Sol it was leaked that she had exchanged messages with the Galician in which she urged him to abort the operation because “Sánchez was going to cheat on him”. Ayuso has tried to score that goal. But Feijóo is not one to let himself be pressured. He doesn’t waste a second arguing with her. In that she is much more skilled than Pablo. In Genoa they are not going to get into the rag with the excuse that she “is as she is” and that they do not see “nothing different” in her most unruly baroness. “Ayuso’s role in all this is the same as that of Juanma, Rueda, López Miras. That one has a special interest in scoring the goal, well, good. Each one is as it is ”, they comment resignedly from the hard core of Feijóo. A certain “fed up” with Ayuso in the baronies Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Isabel Díaz Ayuso have forged a strategic alliance during these months. The first needs Ayuso’s pull among the party’s bases and especially among the young people that Genoa wants to seduce for the generals. “With Ayuso, no problem is going to be allowed because he respects her the same as Juanma Moreno, but it is clear that she does not have prudence among her many virtues,” admits a deputy close to the Galician leader. In the provinces they are a little fed up with Ayuso. He is in Aguirre mode. These things hurt There are popular baronies that do admit a certain “fed up” with the attitude of the president of Madrid whom they reproach for always going “on her own” and already being “in Esperanza Aguirre mode”. They believe that her attitude may be due to the need to secure an absolute majority in the May elections because otherwise it would be understood as a “failure.” Especially after Juanma Moreno swept Andalusia. “These things hurt. We can’t be like this”, complains a regional president. In Sol there is no record of that discomfort with the Madrid president and they warn that she is not going to shut up. “Ayuso is Ayuso and he will continue to say what he thinks and in Genoa they have him completely taken over,” they defend from the environment of the Madrid president. A few weeks ago, Díaz Ayuso privately conspired with the leadership of the party in Madrid to “not put Feijóo in a single problem” or say anything that could be “misunderstood.” Since then he has marked his own position with the issue of language in Catalonia, the ideological battle and now with the Judiciary and his frontal opposition to agreeing anything with President Pedro Sánchez. Motions to screw the PSOE and request for explanations from Sánchez The official line is that. That it is Feijóo who takes “one hundred percent” the unilateral decision to break up without the need for the Madrid leader to push him. “The agreement is not broken by any tweet or call. The agreement is broken by the PSOE by incorporating the reform of the crime of sedition into its agenda. He speaks, consults and receives messages from all over the world and then makes his own decisions”, assured yesterday the number three of the PP, Elías Bendodo. In Genoa they consider closed the first internal crisis of the Feijóo era convinced that they have done what their bases demanded. The president of the PP verified through his barons the enormous discomfort of many mayors and middle cadres with an agreement in which the sedition debate was crossed. “I told him that the people on the street were between bewildered and pissed off. They did not want the deal in exchange for sedition. That people do not forgive. Whatsapp messages from the mayors kept coming to me. The people said that it could not be and they have seen the rupture well, “confirms to NIUS one of the leaders with whom the popular president consulted. “He is a very good tactician and strategist. They cannot blame him like Pablo Casado who slammed the door without even sitting down. Now it has been seen how Feijóo negotiated seriously and the pact was very well done. But the sedition was unsustainable, ”adds that same source. The Spanish, including PSOE voters, reject the reform but Sanchez does not care. His commitments are personal to the fugitives on whom he depends. And the Spaniards must know them. We request that Sánchez, Llop and Bolaños appear.
https://t.co/RVdW1tpSSu— Cuca Gamarra (@cucagamarra) October 31, 2022 Theoretically pacified the toughest members of the PP led by Ayuso, in Genoa they set impossible conditions to resume negotiations. The last: a written commitment from Sánchez that he will not reform the sedition. That while they launch the attack. They accuse the Executive of wanting to break from minute one and before the imminence of an agreement make it explode with “the bomb” of sedition. They will request the appearances of President Sánchez and Ministers Félix Bolaños and Pilar Llop so that they explain in Congress “their personal commitments” with the independentistas and “the fugitives” of the ‘procés’. At the same time, they will screw the PSOE by presenting motions in all the regional councils and parliaments so that the socialist barons are portrayed regarding the crime of sedition. “This crushes the socialist mayors and barons”, assures a popular regional president convinced that the regional elections and municipal games in May will be played nationally. It is something that the PP headquarters are also convinced of, willing to make electoral ammunition out of sedition.