The PSOE registers its amendments to the Trans Law to limit gender self-determination in minors under 16

With these amendments, it proposes to toughen the reversibility of the change and eliminate the assimilation of intra-gender violence to gender violence. The socialists say they want the text to be “guarantee” and “avoid the possibility of being appealed to the Constitutional Court” They also propose to create an interministerial Commission of monitoring the application of the norm The Socialist Parliamentary Group has registered this Monday, October 31, its partial amendments to the Trans Law, with which it intends that minors between 12 and 16 years of age need judicial approval to be able to change their name and sex in the Civil Registry, a requirement that the current text contemplates only for minors between 12 and 14 years of age. In this way, it seeks to limit gender self-determination in those under 16 years of age with the aim of “reinforcing the guarantees” for that age group, in accordance with “the best interest of the minor.” The Socialists have registered their amendments this afternoon , around 7:00 p.m., two days before the deadline for amendments to the Trans Law closes, next Wednesday, November 2. The PSOE decided last week to ask for one more week to submit its partial amendments, despite pressure from its partners at United We Can, who have been demanding that the process be unblocked. Thus, one of the precepts proposed by the socialists in their amendments – which were already announced last Friday and are presented without changes , is to eliminate the possibility that those over 14 years of age and under 16 can submit an application by themselves assisted by their legal representatives. Instead, they propose that those under 16 years of age and over 12 must have judicial authorization to modify the registration mention of sex. Sources from the PSOE specified last Friday that this change is due to the fact that they consider “it is necessary to reinforce the guarantees for the age range from 14 to 16 years”. Specifically, they rely on a conclusion of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), in which it says that “legitimize those over 14 years of age and under 16 to request the rectification of the registration mention of sex without more conditions than the assistance of their legal representatives, is not adequate to protect the interest of the minor included in that age group who lacks a sufficient degree of maturity or whose transsexual situation is not stabilized”. On the other hand On the other hand, the Socialist Group has registered another amendment which establishes that in the event that you want to reverse the change of sex in the registry, you will have to obtain judicial approval through a file of voluntary jurisdiction. Currently, the bill contemplates that this reversibility can be requested after six months through the same procedure regulated for the change of registration, which does not require judicial authorization in those over 14 years of age. The same sources They specified that the path of voluntary jurisdiction is established for the reversibility of the registration mention, “for the changes that they want to make after the first”. As they point out, the Socialists pursue with these amendments that the text is “guarantee, especially with minors “, and “avoid the possibility of being appealed before the Constitutional Court. It eliminates the analogy between intra-gender and gender violence Likewise, they propose to eliminate the analogy of “intra-gender” violence with gender violence and it is provided with labor rights of reorganization of its working time, geographical mobility or change of work center to people who, because they are LGTBI, suffer violence in the family sphere, not only in the sphere of the couple. In addition, the Socialist Group proposes in another of the amendments that “sexile” be contemplated, understood as the abandonment of LGTBI people from their place of residence due to rejection , discrimination or violence, “as a cause of depopulation within the measures on depopulation policies of the Government of Spain”, since, as they specify, this problem occurs especially in rural areas. Likewise, it proposes reinforcing the training of professionals who work in centers for the elderly about the reality of elderly LGTBI people. In the field of employment, the Socialists suggest that, within 12 months, companies with more than 50 workers have agreed on a planned set of measures and resources to achieve real and effective equality of LGTBI people, which includes a protocol of action to deal with harassment or violence against the group. Regarding the administration is public, they propose to ensure that, within the employability mechanisms and insertion plans for people at risk of social exclusion, “positive action measures are favored for the hiring and stable employment of trans people, with special attention to trans women “. They also propose to introduce a new article so that the public powers adopt the necessary measures for the prevention of homelessness among LGTBI people and the crimes and hate incidents they suffer. Trans women in a situation of prostitution In another of the amendments presented by the socialists They propose that trans women in a situation of prostitution have the right to the social and labor resources established in the Law on the Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom, and that, “whether or not there is a situation of sexual exploitation, they can access the social and labor resources and psychological care that are established in the plans and measures for victims of sexual violence or victims of trafficking and exploitation With regard to minors, the Socialist Parliamentary Group wants to guarantee that in the assessment of suitability in the processes of adoption and foster care, “there is no discrimination based on the causes established in this law” and adds that ” Family diversity will be worked on in juvenile centers in order to guarantee that minors who are likely to be adopted or fostered are aware of family diversity due to sexual diversity and gender identity.” Regarding young people, The PSOE suggests adding to the text that training on sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender expression be included in the courses aimed at mediators, monitors and youth trainers; and, in the field of tourism, it proposes a new article so that the necessary measures are adopted to promote and support tourism aimed at the LGTBI public and their families. Attending to the school environment, the Socialists add to the text of the law that the programs of Information aimed at students, their families and the staff of educational centers with the aim of disseminating the different sexual-affective realities must be carried out not only in collaboration with the organizations representing the interests of LGTBI people, but also “with the Associations of Mothers and Fathers (AMPAS).” It also proposes including a new additional provision that would contemplate the creation, within 6 months of the approval of this law, of an interministerial commission to monitor the application of the norm, with the departments of Equality, Justice, Interior and Health.