The Government moves away the decision on the oath of Princess Leonor before the Cortes: “A year is an eternity”

The Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has moved away from the decision on the date and organization of the promise or oath of the Constitution that the Princess of Asturias, who has just turned 17, must make when she comes of age. “In politics, almost like in life, a year is an eternity,” she commented at the press conference after the Council of Ministers. After congratulating Leonor de Borbón on her 17th birthday this Monday, the minister said she trusts in that, at the time, the Chambers will decide how to proceed to comply with this constitutional precept and has only expressed his wish that, by then, there is someone “at the head of the PP who is complying with the Constitution”, in another attack to Alberto Núñez Feijóo for the failure of the negotiations to renew the Judiciary. The date and organization of that oath depends on the date of the general elections due to the possibility that on October 31, 2023 he will complete his 18th birthday with the Cortes dissolved waiting for the elections. A report from the lawyers of Congress indicated a possibility of combining elections at the end of 2023 with the celebration of the oath or promise of the Constitution before the Cortes Generales in plenary session. To do this, President Pedro Sánchez would have to give up advancing the elections and let the Cortes automatically dissolve on November 10. The document, to which Europa Press has had access, is signed by Manuel Delgado-Iribarren, a lawyer for the Joint Commission for the European Union, a body that will participate in the events that will be organized within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, which will take place in the second half of 2023. Elections on December 10 without dissolving the Chambers The report maintains that, if there is no early election, the general elections would have to be held no later than December 10, 2023. Usually, the President of the Government dissolves the Cortes 54 days before the date of the elections but it is not necessary to do so because there is the option of allowing the term of the Chambers to expire. According to article 68.4 of the Constitution, that term ends four years after the election of the Chambers or the day of dissolution. that is, if there is no decree of dissolution, the mandate will end on November 10, 2023, since the last general ones were on November 10, 2019. Thus, if there is no early dissolution “the decree of summons (of the elections) must be signed on Monday, October 16, 2023, entering into force after publication in the BOE the following day and the elections must be held on Sunday, December 10”, reads the report. Maintain the tradition If you opt for this formula of “call for elections due to expiration of the mandate of the Chambers”, the document states, “between October 16 and November 10, 2023 (when their mandate would end) the Chambers maintain all their constitutional powers.” That is, in those weeks the Cortes could continue approving laws and celebrating their ordinary activity. And, therefore, they could also host the oath ceremony of compliance with the Constitution of the heiress on October 31, coinciding with her access to the age of majority. In this way, the model of his father who took the oath on his eighteenth birthday would be repeated. If this is the chosen option, the electoral campaign and the voting itself will take place in the final stretch of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, which will on December 31, 2023. Of course, as of December 10 the Government would already be in office.