Eurozone GDP slowed its growth to 0.2% in the third quarter

It is the weakest growth rate of the euro zone economy since the first quarter of 2021 Compared to the third quarter of last year, the GDP of the euro zone grew by 2.1% and that of the EU by 2, 4%In the case of Spain, GDP slowed its rate of expansion in the third quarter to 0.2% This is the weakest rate of growth in the euro zone economy since the first quarter of 2021, according to data from the statistical office. In the European Union as a whole, GDP growth in the third quarter also slowed to 0.2% from 0.7% in the previous three months, its worst reading since the first quarter of 2021. Thus, compared to the third quarter of last year, the GDP of the euro zone grew by 2.1% and that of the EU by 2.4%. Among the countries for which data were available, Sweden registered the highest growth quarterly (0.7%), followed by Italy (0.5%), Portugal and Lithuania (both 0.4%). By contrast, activity contractions were observed in Latvia (-1.7%), as well as in Austria and Belgium (both -0.1%). In the case of Spain, the GDP slowed down its rate of expansion in the third quarter to 0.2% from 1.5% in the previous three months. On its side, Germany registered growth of 0.3%, two tenths more than in the second quarter, while France grew by 0.2%, compared to 0.5% in the second quarter.