Olivia, allegedly murdered by her mother after three years of cross-accusations

Olivia was going to be seven years old in MarchNIUSThe parents, Noemí and Eugenio, separated in 2019 and the woman was left with custodyThe woman denounced the man for ill-treatment in 2018 and a restraining order was imposed on himBoth parents denounced each other for preventing contact phone, delay waiting or not deliver the minor Noemí Martínez Largo was in her bed with her daughter Olivia when National Police agents broke into her home, 4th A of number 71 Gaspar García Laviana Avenue in Gijón (Asturias), this Sunday at midnight. The 48-year-old woman noted that she had consumed a large number of pills. The youngest she had died a few hours before. Everything suggests that her mother would have ended her life by giving her barbiturates. The woman had to be taken to the Jove hospital for a medical evaluation. After being discharged, she was transferred to a police station where she remains in detention. Now they will have to take her statement. At the moment it will not go to court this Monday. “You cannot imagine the pain of losing a daughter. She turned seven in March. How can they do this, she is a child. It is not a thing for men or women,” said this Monday morning Eugenio García, the father of the deceased, between tears. “The afternoons I’ve spent waiting for him to come out on this bench,” he pointed out, at the door of the building. He assures that he had been fighting for the custody of her daughter for five years. Failure to comply with the sentence Noemí was married to Eugenio between 2015 and 2019 and they had their residence set in Palazuelos de Eresma (Segovia), where the man continues to reside. In 2018 she denounced him for mistreatment and a restraining order was imposed on her, which ceased to be in force in June 2021. In the divorce decree, Noemí obtained custody of the girl and Eugenio was granted a visitation regime that allowed him see the little one one afternoon a week and alternate weekends. Since 2019, both parents have denounced each other for preventing telephone contact, delaying waiting or not delivering the minor due to alleged illnesses. The arrested woman went to live in Gijón last January, where she had rented the apartment in which they believe the events were committed. Her ex-husband denounced the non-compliance with the visitation regime. Olivia had spent a few days with her father in Segovia and two days ago the man handed the minor over to her mother. The alarms went off because they couldn’t locate them.