The public deficit falls 57.8% in August, to 25,490 million

The deficit of the Central Administration, Social Security and the CC.AA. stands at 1.95% of GDPThe decrease is due to a sharp rise in revenue, especially tax revenue, which grew by 17%The State deficit is reduced by 72% up to September compared to the same period of the previous year and stands at 1.24% of GDPThe joint deficit of the Central Administration, Social Security and the autonomous communities, excluding financial aid, stood at 25,490 million euros in the first eight months of the year, which represents the 1.95% of GDP and a decrease of 57.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the budget execution data published this Monday by the Ministry of Finance, the correction of the deficit was possible due to the strong upturn in income, which grew by 14% -especially tax revenues, which did so by 17.7%-, compared to a much more moderate advance, of 2%, in expenses. The public deficit thus advances with room to meet the reference for the year as a whole, set at 5% of GDP, and there are already institutions that believe that it will remain below that figure. As usual, most of the deficit was concentrated in the central administration, with a total of 21,154 million, 1.61% of GDP, despite the fact that the good performance of income allowed it to be reduced by 61.9% compared to the same period of 2021. In the first eight months of the year, Social Security reduced its deficit by 94.2%, to 353 million (0.03% of GDP), given the lesser impact of the pandemic on its accounts. On the other hand, the autonomous communities accumulated a deficit of 3,983 million (0.3% of GDP), compared to the surplus of 2021, due to the accounting effect of the 2020 settlement, when the resources advanced by the State were much higher than those that finally corresponded -a gap compensated by the State-.Only seven autonomous communities closed August with a surplus: Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, La Rioja and the Basque Country.The State deficit is reduced by 72%The Treasury has also published this Monday the State data until September, a period in which the deficit fell to 16,269 million euros, 72.2% less and 1.24% of GDP, also thanks to the boost in income. In the first three quarters of the year, the State accumulated revenues of 194,280 million, 27% more, mainly thanks to the boost in tax collection, which shot up 21.9%, but also to the accounting effect of the liquidation of the system of regional financing for the 2020 financial year. All large taxes registered significant increases in collection: Personal Income Tax entered 43,399 million, 37.2% more. VAT, 70,218 million, 19.8% more (despite the reduction in VAT on electricity). Corporate tax, 3,496 million, 21.9% more. The collection for the tax on hydrocarbons (7.9%), the tax on insurance premiums (9%) or the tax on the income of non- residents (65.7%).Thus, despite the reduction, the budget execution shows an increase in spending on interest on the debt (18.4%), intermediate consumption (4.6%), compensation of employees ( 2.9%), social benefits (7.7%, due to the greater spending on passive classes) or social transfers in kind (65.8%, due to the greater ticket discounts for non-peninsular residents). The largest item is transfers between public administrations, which account for 60.9% of non-financial expenses, which includes compensation to the autonomous communities for the change in VAT management in 2019 and for the negative impact of the 2020 settlement.