kyiv is partially without water and electricity in the face of a new attack by Russian forces

Ukraine denounces “massive” and “simultaneous” bombardments against the main cities of the country 80% of the population does not have drinking water in the Ukrainian capital Some 350,000 homes suffer power outages in kyiv due to Russian attacks The Ukrainian authorities have warned that kyiv, The country’s capital has been partially without electricity and drinking water due to a series of bombings carried out by Russian forces against facilities and infrastructure of “vital” importance throughout the country. The mayor of the city, Vitali Klitschko, has confirmed the information and has indicated that “80% of consumers do not have drinking water in the capital” as a result of the attacks by the Russian Army, as reported through its Telegram channel. “Specialists are working to restore supply as soon as possible. Currently the damage has caused most to be without drinking water. Just in case please save water where possible “, he has asserted. Thus, he has explained that kyiv’s anti-aircraft defense systems have already been activated and has urged the population “not to panic” and to protect themselves in shelters and safe places. “Stay tuned for information from the authorities,” he said. Although the air defense systems have managed to intercept dozens of Russian missiles, the authorities have warned that there are victims in the region, where “the threat continues,” according to what he has collected. the Ukrinform news agency. In this sense, they have explained that the emergency services have already moved to the most affected areas in an attempt to restore the electricity supply after some 350,000 homes have suffered a blackout and have warned that the residents could face a “long period of time” without power. The bombings against kyiv are part of the latest wave of “massive” attacks carried out by Russian troops against major cities. The Ukrainian authorities have warned that there have been explosions in various parts of the country, including the Zaporizhia region. In total, 18 facilities have been hit in a dozen regions, most of them energy. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have estimated 44 intercepted and destroyed missiles, although they estimate that more than fifty have been launched in an attack “simultaneous” against Ukrainian soil. “The consequences could have been much worse,” Prime Minister Denis Shmihal lamented, according to the UNIAN news agency.