Sánchez, in the tribute to the victims of Francoism: “The Constitution must be fulfilled without excuses or subterfuge”

The president, without expressly citing the PP or the CGPJ, demands not to patrimonialize the Constitution and comply with it from the first to the last article The Government pays tribute to the victims of the military coup, the Civil War and the dictatorship after the entry into force of the Law of Memory Democratic Sánchez has delivered twenty diplomas to relatives of victims and representatives of associations such as the Thirteen Roses or the Sinsombrero The Government has wanted to solemnly pay tribute to all the victims of Francoism with a ceremony at the National Music Auditorium in Madrid presided over by Pedro Sánchez and with the assistance of 16 ministers, an example of the importance that Moncloa wanted to give to the first ‘Day of Remembrance and Tribute to all the victims of the military coup, the War and the Dictatorship’. This is how the Democratic Memory Law that has recently entered into force contemplates. The protagonists have been the victims and their families. They have excitedly received 20 repair diplomas from the President of the Government and the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños. “They symbolize shared pain and success for the ideals of freedom and democracy,” Montserrat Peligro Bellisco said on behalf of all of them. Sánchez, during his intervention, has highlighted that on October 31 he is not chosen at random. It is the date on which the Cortes Generales approved the Constitution in 1978. At that point he has made a defense of the Magna Carta as a symbol of harmony of the Spanish people and has proclaimed that it is not enough to abide by it, it must be fulfilled. “Honouring it requires more than proclaiming its validity, it requires complying with it from start to finish, without excuses or subterfuges,” said the president without explicitly citing the PP and the crisis in the Judiciary after the suspension of negotiations to renew the CGPJ. Sánchez : the Constitution is fulfilled from the first to the last of the articles The president, who has promised the relatives and victims present at the act that they will never walk alone again, has pointed out that the Constitution cannot be patrimonialized because it is a collective conquest. “It must be complied with and enforced in all extremes, from the first to the last of the articles”, he stressed. He has not made any express mention of the PP or of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s decision to suspend talks with the government for his intention to reform the crime of sedition, although the message was addressed to the PP. The president has been since Thursday night, when everything was blown up, demanding that the popular comply with the Magna Carta. In his speech, Pedro Sánchez acknowledged that it was a “very important moment from a personal point of view” and recalled the tribute together with the President of the French Republic in a small cemetery as one of the most emotional moments as President of the Government of France before the tomb where the remains of Manuel Azaña rest. Defense of the Democratic Memory Law He has recalled that very close to that grave is another forgotten one, that of Felipe Gómez Pallete, Azaña’s personal doctor who took his own life in exile. With this case he wanted to remember that of all the forgotten anonymous victims of the war and the dictatorship, also those who are in mass graves or in ditches. He has mentioned the case of Benita, present at the event, who has been searching for her father for 83 years. “The only thing that moves her is to give him a dignified burial, to have a tombstone to put flowers on All Souls’ Day,” said the president. Like her, hundreds of other people do not want to “reopen wounds,” says the president, but “close them.” forever”. It has claimed that the Memory Law is born from an integrating story where a defense of the legacy of the Transition is made and that it includes the basic principles that the United Nations has established for the legislation on this matter, “truth, justice, reparation and duty of memory “.Among the 20 people who have collected the diplomas were relatives of those killed during the Civil War and the dictatorship, of the Thirteen Roses, stolen girls, reprisaled and imprisoned LGTBI activists, exiles and the only surviving labor lawyer of the Atocha massacre. They all received an emotional and warm ovation from those attending the act that ended with Ana Belén performing ‘España camisa blanca de mi esperanza’, a song that was symbolic of that time. In addition to this October 31, the Law also establishes that on October 8 May tribute is paid to the men and women who suffered exile as a result of the Civil War and the dictatorship. The text considers victims to be people who have suffered physical, moral or psychological harm, property damage or impairment of their fundamental rights from the coup d’état of July 18, 1936 until the entry into force of the 1978 Constitution. In addition to the deceased and disappeared, it includes exiles, LGTBI people or children adopted without the consent of their parents.