They open a file on a company for serving soup with worms to the staff of the León hospital

The winner of the cafeteria, Serunión, served a soup in which some black larvae appearedThe same company served food with weevil larvae in several schools in 2014The food of the patients was not affectedThe management of the University Assistance Complex of León (CAULE ) has opened an informative file regarding the case of unhealthy food for medical personnel, who were served soup over the weekend in which small black worm larvae appeared, facts that the health center describes as “unacceptable “.The manager of the CAULE, Alfonso Rodríguez-Hevia, held a first meeting this Monday with those responsible for the company awarded the cafeteria service, Serunión, after this case of unhealthiness detected in the staff’s food.”Once the situation was known , through the medical staff on duty, we have established a first contact with the winning company, which has told us that its quality department is already is working to clarify what happened,” says the manager. CAULE, for its part, will open an information file to find out what has happened, “because it is something that cannot happen again, it is unacceptable,” explains Rodríguez-Hevia. , the case has already been brought to the attention of the Territorial Health Service of the Junta de Castilla y León, so that it can carry out the inspections and analyzes it considers and proceed as it deems appropriate. The manager has pointed out that the case is limited to the successful bidder of the hospital and that the food of the patients has nothing to do with it, since it is prepared with CAULE’s own personnel and means. Serunión already starred in a similar episode in the school canteens of León in October 2014, when weevil larvae in a total of six schools in Castilla y León, five located in the province of León and one in Segovia for a batch of pasta in poor condition.