International leaders congratulate Lula on his victory despite the fact that Bolsonaro still does not recognize his defeat

The Brazilian leftist leader has won a tight victory over the far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, Biden has stressed that it is a “free, fair and credible” electoral process The EU has shown its desire to advance relations with Brazil, weighed down in recent years due to differences with Bolsonaro Dozens of heads of state and government have conveyed their congratulations to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Monday for his victory in the presidential elections in Brazil against the country’s president until now, Jair Bolsonaro, who At the moment he has not recognized his defeat. The US president, Joe Biden, has stressed in a message on his Twitter account that it is a “free, fair and credible” electoral process and has said he is “desiring to work together with Lula to cooperate for the next few years”. The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has expressed his desire to “work on issues that matter both to the United Kingdom and to Brazil, issues that They range from the growth of the global economy to the protection of natural resources and the promotion of democratic values”. They have been joined by the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, who has stated that he hopes for “greater cooperation” with Brazil, especially “on issues of trade and protection of the environment.” Likewise, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, have spoken to congratulate the Brazilian politician. Macron has advocated “joining forces to face the many common challenges and renew the bond of friendship shared by both countries” in the face of a “new page in the history of Brazil”, while Trudeau has stressed that “the people have spoken” For his part, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has congratulated Lula and has asserted that the electoral results “confirm the great political authority” of the former president of the Latin American country, at the same time that he has shown his intention to work for ” achieve further development in areas of joint cooperation,” according to a Kremlin statement. His Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, said “he trusts active collaboration with an old friend from Ukraine” and highlighted the idea of ​​”strengthening the strategic partnership between the parties to guarantee democracy, peace, security and prosperity in Ukraine, Brazil and throughout the world”. In this regard, the Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, pointed out Since he “has already had the opportunity to warmly congratulate Lula on his election as president of Brazil.” “I look forward to our work together in the coming years with great enthusiasm, always in favor of Portugal and Brazil, but also around great global causes”, he indicated. Reaction of the EU The European Union has focused the first messages of congratulations to Lula on the bloc’s willingness to advance in relations with Brazil, weighed down in recent years by differences with the Bolsonaro government, whose rejection of international climate agreements and its policies in the Amazon, for example, slowed down any progress towards concluding the Agreement of Free Trade between the 27 and Mercosur. “I look forward to working with you to face urgent global challenges, from food security to trade and climate change”, wrote the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in a message on Twitter to celebrate Lula’s election as president of Brazil. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, for his part, applauded the celebration of a s elections “peaceful and well organized” and expressed its willingness to collaborate “with President Lula, his Government and the new authorities of Congress and the State”. “The EU congratulates the Electoral Tribunal in particular for the efficient and transparent manner in that carried out its constitutional mandate in all stages of the electoral process, demonstrating once again the solidity of Brazil’s institutions and its democracy”, the High Representative for Foreign Policy assessed in a statement. In the text, Borrell also emphasizes the long-standing strategic partnership between the European Union and Brazil, a relationship “based on shared values ​​and respect for democracy, Human Rights and the rule of law.” “We are committed to deepening and broadening our relationship with Brazil in all areas of mutual interest, including trade, the environment, climate change and the digital agenda for the benefit of our citizens”, has expressed Borrell, who has also advocated “strengthening” collaboration on “inclusive, fair and sustainable development.” Latin American leaders The president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, has shared a post on his Twitter account in which he congratulated the candidate of the Workers’ Party (PT) for taking over the presidency of Argentina. “Congratulations Lula! Your victory opens a new time for the history of Latin America. A time of hope and future that begins today. Here you have a partner to work with and dream big about the good life of our peoples. After so many injustices that you experienced, the people of Brazil have chosen you and democracy has triumphed. Latin America dreams, “he said. The Mexican president, Andres Manuel López Obrador, has also expressed his joy at the electoral result. “Lula won, blessed people of Brazil. There will be equality and humanism”, he has written in a publication on the same social network. The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has expressed himself in the same vein, who has also celebrated the conclusion drawn from the urns. “Lula. Joy!”, He has published it. In this way, the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, has pronounced himself, who has written a brief “Viva Lula” after knowing the results. From Venezuela, the president, Nicolás Maduro, has celebrated the victory “of the Brazilian people.” “Long live the peoples determined to be free, sovereign and independent! Today, in Brazil, democracy triumphed. Congratulations, Lula!” to the Brazilian people for their democratic electoral contest and to congratulate the newly elected president, Lula, wishing him the greatest of successes”. Likewise, the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, has urged work to achieve “a more open Mercosur”, while that the Peruvian president, Pedro Castillo, has highlighted Lula’s victory as something “fundamental for the unity of Latin America.” The Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, has taken advantage of the occasion to speak of a “great victory” at the polls, that will allow bringing “social justice” to the country. “Dear brother Lula, I congratulate you on behalf of the Cuban Government and people, who celebrate your great victory in favor of unity, peace and Latin American and Caribbean integration. Always count on Cuba,” he pointed out before assuring that his victory ” was delayed by atrocious methods”. On the other hand, the secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, has recognized the “great democratic journey” experienced by the people of Brazil during the elections and has pointed out that Lula You will be able to count on the OAS to “work on strengthening democracy, the human rights situation, security, and development in the region.”