Ukraine demands that Russian troops withdraw completely before any negotiations

“If Russia really wants to talk, it must stop destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure,” Nikolenko said. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry in kyiv said on Sunday that Russia must withdraw all its troops from Russian soil before Ukraine sits down. hold negotiations with the Kremlin. “The only realistic proposal would be the immediate termination of the Russian war against Ukraine and the withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Ukrainian territory,” ministry spokesman Oleh Nikolenko said in a Facebook post. His statement is a response to the comments made by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who has confirmed an offer of dialogue from President Vladimir Putin. hovorca ukrajinského rezortu diplomacie Oleh Nikolenko.— TA3 (@tvTA3) October 30, 2022 “Whoever really seeks negotiations does not destroy the country’s energy system to freeze its population in winter, does not participate in mass civilian casualties, does not bomb residential neighborhoods, does not announce mobilization of millions of military, does not block grain supplies , does not issue ultimatums,” he said. “If Russia really wants to talk, it must stop destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure,” Nikolenko said. “Anyone who wants to negotiate should not bomb Ukrainian residential areas, mobilize 300,000 reservists or block grain exports,” he reproached. “Lavrov’s declaration of preparation for negotiations is nothing more than another smokescreen to buy time amid the defeats of the Russian army. As long as Russia continues to commit crimes in Ukraine, the answer must be one, on the battlefield” , concluded before thanking the Western partners for their support.
Source: Oleh Nikolenko, spokesman for the Ministry for FA of Ukraine, on Facebook— Srbija Evropa (@srbija_eu) October 30, 2022