In a totally polarized Brazil, Bolsonaro remains silent after losing by one point against Lula

Lula in the speech after knowing his victoryGettyLula wins by 50.90% of the votes against 49.10% of Bolsonaro in a country divided into twoBrazil with 210 million inhabitants, 156 called to vote, the difference is less than 2 million votes Brazil is absolutely divided in two. The presidential elections this Sunday indicate how half of the population supports left-wing populist policies, while the other half is with right-wing populist policies. Only one thing in common: populism. In the Brazilian elections this Sunday, and with less than two million votes difference (in a country of 210 million inhabitants and 156 million called to vote), one thing is clear: Lula will have to moderate his speech and his policies. Once again the polls failed. Lula is facing his third term. There are several reasons for this. The first has to do with Congress and the Senate, since Bolsonaro’s party has won in both chambers and Lula is in a notable parliamentary minority. The second because Bolsonaro’s party has won the gubernatorial elections in most of the country’s states, and the third because the country’s division is such that it is necessary to seek an understanding between two radically opposed visions of the same reality. 🇧🇷 With 50.9% of votes, Lula recalls the Brazilian presidential elections against Bolsonaro. Après l’annonce des résultats, il a pris la parole en promettant le retour de la paix dans le pays. #ApollineMatin— Apolline Matin (@ApollineMatin) October 31, 2022 Lula, the father of Latin American leftist populism, had a sensational first term as president of Brazil. He managed to reassure the markets after his victory, establish relations with most Western economies so that they would invest in the country and they did. They did it to the point that Lula took 30 million people out of misery into the middle class, improved the country’s competitiveness and carried out reforms such as pensions and labor reforms that have endured over time. Lula governed as a European social democrat, in favor of the free market and investment in infrastructure. His second term was another story, leftist radicalization and abuse of power. Accused of corruption, he discovered his extraordinary fortune and that of his children, his mansions and his luxuries. He ended up in jail, convicted of two different matters, although he was released for procedural errors. He was not the only judge, his successor Dilma Rousseff also had to resign for corruption. We celebrate the victory of the Brazilian people, who this #30oct, elected @LulaOficial as their new President. Long live the peoples determined to be free, sovereign and independent! Today in Brazil democracy triumphed. Congratulations Luna! A big hug!— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) October 30, 2022