The people of Sliača decided on the American base, Naď reacts: The result of the referendum means nothing! – New time

The result of the referendum in Sliač means nothing for Slovakia, the government, the Ministry of Defense or the city of Sliač. Defense Minister Jaroslav Naď (OĽANO) stated this on the social network. He declared that the American base at the local airport was not, is not and will not be. “I repeat, there are no discussions or discussions about the American base on Sliača, at any level,” he emphasized. He reminded that the local referendum is not legally binding for the government. According to him, it has no significance even for the Ministry of Defense. “We will continue to meet regularly with representatives of the city, support it, explain the context and answer all questions truthfully,” he said. He believes that the competent people at the city office will be fair to the people of Slija and will not mislead them as they did before the elections, when they played both sides, but will honestly explain that people have nothing to fear. According to Naď, the resort and Sliačany were used for the purpose of the election campaign. He pointed out that this “campaign of fear” was paid for with public money. He also pointed to the low turnout for the referendum despite its association with municipal elections.