Ukrainian war, Russia: “Partial mobilization concluded”

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced today the end of the partial mobilization decreed in Russia on 21 September for the war against Ukraine. “The dispatch of citizens summoned for mobilization was completed today,” the Russian defense chief said, adding that 82,000 people have been sent to the front in Ukraine, while another 218,000 are undergoing training. Shoigu spoke at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin broadcast on television, reports the Guardian. Shoigu told Putin that the mobilization led to the recall of 300,000 people, thus achieving the set goal. Of the 82 thousand already sent to Ukraine, “41 thousand are operating as part of combat units and the rest are in one way or another in training”, remarked Putin, quoted by Tass.Putin, the news agency said. that only well-trained mobilized reservists should be sent to the front. “Yes, we pay close attention – Shoigu replied – it is necessary to send only well-trained and well-equipped fighters”. “Excellent. I absolutely agree. This is how it has to be done”, said the Kremlin leader. The dialogue between the two comes after numerous reports on Russian social networks of mobilized soldiers sent into trouble, without training and equipment. In addition to the videos in which soldiers appear in remedial uniforms and with old rifles, there are tragic reports of soldiers who died ten days after being mobilized, which precludes that they may have been sufficiently trained.