Thursday was, for the moment, the most abnormally hot in October with a difference of +6.5°C compared to normal, reports Météo France. Article written by Published on 28/10/2022 11:20 Updated on 28/10/2022 11:23 Reading time: 1 min. The trend is confirmed. The month of October, which is soon coming to an end, is on track to be the hottest ever recorded since records began in France. The unusual heat wave that has affected France since mid-October has not weakened. She is getting stronger. According to data published by Météo France on Friday October 28, Thursday shows the largest difference of the month. The national thermal indicator, i.e. the average temperature recorded in 30 meteorological stations spread over the whole of France, rose to 18.7°C: a difference of +6.5°C compared to normal for the same day. The current heat wave hitting France is most likely linked to global warming, a consequence of human activities. The temperature of October 2022 risks smashing the previous record. “Potentially, we will perhaps be a degree above October 2001, which is our current first rank. For me, it is a signal of the runaway climate change”, estimated with franceinfo Christine Bern, climatologist at Météo France. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link