“But do you think I have time to take care of the climate”, completely furious, Sophie Marceau lets go! – Audience

A committed actress, Sophie Marceau never hesitates to speak up to defend causes close to her heart. On October 21, the 55-year-old actress took to her Instagram account to share a punchy video about global warming and the inaction of men in the face of such an emergency. In the images, we could see the snow-capped mountains, “a virgin nature where the human presence becomes invisible, silent, lost in the pearly immensity… Like a blank page whose beauty seems to suffice in itself, preserved from the slightest trace, the slightest gesture” , launches the actress before suddenly breaking the poetry of a text by Mathieu Colin. “Well, it’s pretty, but we’re a little bored,” she adds. “Our house is burning, and we are looking elsewhere” The snow then gives way to a little girl (symbol of the future of humanity, editor’s note) which unscrupulously tags a terrestrial globe. “Our house is burning, and we are looking elsewhere”, then drops the voice of Jacques Chirac. To which Sophie Marceau replies: “Ah! That to look elsewhere, we looked elsewhere and always with our heads lowered above all… But do you think that I have time to take care of the climate? ! “And to continue:” Consuming as if we had three planets is better, it seems that we discover plenty of extra spare parts so we might as well take full advantage of them! “The star of” La Boum “then defends the animal cause. “We had roommates that were pretty intrusive, and these ungrateful people started complaining so we decided to make room.” Shocking words accompanied by equally brutal images. Sea turtle trapped in a net, slaughterhouses, polar bear with nothing but skin and bones. Sophie Marceau launches a red alert to humanity through a grating video.V.BSee also: