Nvoto’s fear for Slovakia: Put your egos in your ass! – Topky.sk

Like many, Dorota Nvotová is also concerned about our country. Quarrels between politicians, the collapse of the government coalition and subsequently the first Slovak murder of young men just because of homosexual orientation. The artist does not go far for harsh expressions and she really does not spare politicians. “It was your dog’s duty to give it. To rule, solve the cases of the stolen state, return the country to us. We elected you to return this country to us, the citizens, and your duty is to rule. Parents should bother so that the children don’t hear it. So hide somewhere and argue there, not in a public space. We chose Oľano, Sme familia, Sas and For the People. And you committed to us. So stop trashing each other, shove your egos in the ass, roll up your sleeves, and get to work!” she appealed at the end of August. However, the situation did not improve. “I am experiencing TMU. I’m really scared of what’s to come. And since the haters have been writing to me for a long time – “don’t get involved in politics and make music instead”, I composed a song about the state of the country,” she informed a few days later. And the song, which proves that in the case of Dorota and her father Jar Filip, the apple really did not fall far from the tree, is already out. Dorota Nvotová was born on October 27, 1982 to actress Anna Šišková. Her father was musician Jaro Filip, but she was raised by director Juraj Nvota. The brunette is known as an actress, musician and traveler. She also runs a business in the field of tourism and has also written two books. Dorota starred in films such as Orbis Pictus, Đátátko, Krajinka, Muzika, Pripad neverná Klára and Eštebák. She also acted in her sister Tereza Nvotová’s documentary called Mečiar. In 2013, she became the mother of a son Filip, his father Martin later became her third husband. The first one was the musician Miroslav Láber alias Whiskey and the second one was the Englishman Johnny. Today she is divorced for the third time. Photo gallery (2) Source: Instagram DN