Sunak opens in Downing Street celebrating Diwali, the traditional Hindu festival

One day after being appointed as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak held a reception at his official residence to commemorate Diwali, one of the most important festivals for Hindus in the Asian country. Downing Street shared a photo of Sunak, Britain’s first Indian-born and Hindu leader of the British government, lighting a traditional oil lamp at the event. “Great to be part of tonight’s Diwali reception at No. Sunak wrote on Twitter. “I will do my best in this job to build a UK where our children and grandchildren can light their Diyas (oil lamps) and look to the future with hope.” , and thus Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, sparked a flurry of celebrations from politicians and citizens in India. Brilliant to drop into tonight’s Diwali reception in No10.I will do everything I can in this job to build a Britain where our children and our grandchildren can light their Diyas and look to the future with hope.Happy #Diwali everyone!— Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) October 26, 2022 Priti Gandhi, the spokesperson for the ruling party in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), immediately underlined the coincidence that the first head of government budding has been chosen in full Diwali festival. “On Diwali day, Rishi Sunak makes history as the first prime minister of Indian and Hindu origin. Who could imagine how the tables would turn in just 75 years,” Gandhi said on Twitter, referring to the former colony’s independence. British in 1947.