The Constitutional Court ruled on Fico’s referendum: Strange words of the head of Smer, what did he mean by the disputed question? – New time

Slovakia is awaiting the ninth referendum in its history. The Constitutional Court decided that the plebiscite, for which hundreds of thousands of signatures were obtained by the opposition led by Robert Fico (58), will be held with only one question. According to the judges, Fico formulated the second question incorrectly, whether people agree that the Slovak government should resign without delay. Now it’s the turn of President Zuzana Čaputová (49), who earlier promised to announce a referendum with at least a vote on whether the constitution should be changed to allow for the shortening of the election period. As its chairman Ivan Fiačan and judge-rapporteur Rastislav Kaššák stated after the deliberation of the plenary session of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic regarding the referendum, asking citizens in a referendum whether they agree with the government resigning is not in accordance with the constitution. “In the matter currently under consideration, the subject of the referendum should have been a de facto order to the government to resign. The Constitutional Court concluded that the subject of the referendum is contrary to the principle of the generality of law and the principle of separation of powers, and thus it is contrary to the constitution,” said Fiačan. “The Constitution does not assume that the government should resign as a result of the citizens’ vote in the referendum,” added Kaššák. “In this part, the president cannot declare a referendum,” concluded the president of the Constitutional Court, Fiačan. “I respect the decision of the Constitutional Court. I will announce the date of the referendum as soon as possible, i.e. after the court’s decision is published in the Collection of Laws,” responded President Zuzana Čaputová. The President submitted the first referendum question to the Constitutional Court for consideration on September 12, after consultation with experts.