Subordinates contribute to the boss’s campaign. Trnka confirmed: It looks stupid – Korzár SME – Korzár Košice

Oct 24, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. I Paid content The money was returned to the subordinate by Vrchota.KOŠICE. They are subordinate employees of important self-governing politicians. And as can be seen from the transparent accounts, they contributed considerable sums of money to their bosses for the election campaign out of their own pockets. This gives rise to various conjectures and suspicions, which motivated subordinates to take such a step. The article continues under the video advertisement The article continues under the video advertisement For example, if it was their own earned euros , whether the contribution to the campaign could perhaps be some kind of levy, or as an expression of gratitude for the fact that they found themselves in interesting positions or for the fact that they received decent rewards from public sources, or other benefits. Such a transaction can also create speculation as to whether it was really their money or whether they just served as a transmitter of funds from another source , which is supposed to remain veiled. Even one of those gifted, Košice mayor Rastislav Trnka (independent), described the financial contribution from his subordinate as not the happiest, because “it looks stupid”. The anti-corruption association Transparency International Slovakia (TIS) does not see a problem in this , if someone decided to send their boss campaign money completely voluntarily. [email protected] so that we can help you.” data-msg-btn-logout=”Log in as another user” data-msg-btn-close=”Stay logged in” >

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