The statement of the key witness in the Bobytkár case raised the former head of the PPA from his chair: Lies! – New time

In the Dobytkár corruption case, which concerns large-scale criminal activity in the Agricultural Payment Agency (PPA), key witness Marek Kodada testified on Monday before the Senate of the Specialized Criminal Court (ŠTS), Banská Bystrica workplace. He convicted the defendants, former head of PPA Juraj Kožuch, financier Martin Kvietik and Ľubomír Kropila, of how he provided them with “commissions” from approved agricultural subsidies between 2016 and 2020. The witness, as a former official of the Ministry of Agriculture, who cooperates with the police, said that the financier was introduced to him as a person “who is in charge, he indicated that money should be provided to the system”. Since the Ministry of Agriculture was under the management of the SNS at that time, he perceived Martin Kvietik as a party representative. The financier was supposed to pressure Juraj Kožuch in connection with the success of the projects, and he knew that he would have to comply in some way. According to him, the ex-director of the PPA considered the meetings with the financier as an opportunity to stay in office. When he handed over the money to Martin Kvietik, Juraj Kožuch never wanted to be there. The witness claims that he “took bribes in the amount of approximately 1.5 million euros from Ľubomír Kropil, who handled the subsidies, and then handed the money over to Martin K.” Marek Kodada’s testimony “raised” the former head of the PPA from the dock, who loudly addressed him with the words that he was lying. He stopped only under the threat of a fine, which the chairman of the senate warned him against. Juraj Kožuch denies his guilt, as does Martin Kvietik. Neither of them wanted to speak to the media. The key witness also refused to respond to questions. Nitra businessman Norbert Bödör, Martin Kvietik, Ľubomír Kropila, Peter K., Ľubomír P., Juraj K., Milan K. are in the group of eight persons accused by the indictment of the continuing crime of accepting a bribe and of the particularly serious crime of legalizing income from criminal activity. and Viktor M., who pleaded guilty at the beginning of the trial.