France: the Assembly rejects the motions of censure, the first part of the budget adopted with 49.3

Published on: 24/10/2022 – 19:37 The National Assembly on Monday largely rejected the motion of censure of RN deputies against the government, which is worth adopting at first reading the revenue section of the 2023 budget. Previously, the Assembly had rejected by 50 votes the motion of the left Nupes, to which the National Rally had given its support. French deputies unsurprisingly rejected, on Monday, October 24, the two motions of censure tabled by Nupes and by the National Rally, which constitutes adoption at first reading of the revenue section of the 2023 budget. The government had decided to resort last Wednesday to article 49.3 of the Constitution to have the first part – those of revenue – of the finance bill (PLF) adopted without a vote. announced the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, the favorable vote of the elected members of the National Rally (RN) not having been enough to reach the necessary majority of 289 votes to bring down the government. Contrary to what had been said previously, Marine Le Pen indeed indicated before the vote that the deputies of the RN, of which she chairs the group, would vote in favor of the text of the Nupes.Recourse to article 49.3The RN tabled its own motion co between the government, which was also rejected with only 90 votes in favor. The government, which does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly, has had recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution, by which it engages its responsibility on a text of law, to have its bill adopted without vote, unless the opposition had managed to pass a motion of censure. Neither of the two motions having been adopted, the first part of the finance bill is considered as adopted, announced Yaël Braun-Pivet . The government also used “49.3” for its Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2023, leading Nupes to table another motion of censure. This must be debated and submitted to the vote of the deputies in the evening. The likelihood of this motion being defeated is also very high. With Reuters