Rishi Sunak vows ‘stability and unity’ in the face of UK’s ‘profound economic challenge’

For the former Economy Minister, his priority is “to unite the party and the country”, after the last few months, marked by the failed fiscal plan of the government of Liz Truss, who has only lasted a month and a half in office, and his subsequent resignation. “I will serve with integrity and humility,” Sunak assured this Monday in his first speech after the announcement of his newly inaugurated presidency. “We are facing a deep economic challenge. Now we need stability and unity,” he said from the headquarters of the Sunak Conservative Party. “I will work day after day to fulfill the British people”, he added. The former Minister of Economy announced this Sunday his aspirations to reach number 10 Downing Street through Twitter with a message in which he stated that the United Kingdom faces a “deep economic crisis” and that its objective is to overcome this situation. Sunak’s only competition was Cabinet member Penny Mourdant, who came in third over the summer after former Prime Minister Boris Johnson stepped down after accepting that his party did not support him and finally gave up the leadership race. ‘tory’. “I’m afraid the best thing I can do is let my candidacy go forward and commit my support to whoever gets it.” “I think I have a lot to offer, but I’m afraid it’s just not the right time,” said Johnson, who has won public support from 59 of 357 Conservative MPs.