United Kingdom: Rishi Sunak appointed by the Conservative Party to be the new Prime Minister – Le Monde

The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, future British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, in March 2021. TOLGA AKMEN / AP Will he be able to get the country out of the political and financial crisis in which it has been plunged for several months? Rishi Sunak was nominated by the British Conservatives to be the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on Monday October 24, following the departure of Liz Truss from Downing Street on Thursday. However, he should not be officially appointed head of government before Tuesday, the BBC said. Unlucky candidate this summer against the former British prime minister, who resigned after only 44 days in power, the 42-year-old former British finance minister benefited from the renunciation of the former head of the British government, Boris Johnson . His other opponent, Penny Mordaunt also threw in the towel on Monday afternoon. Supported by more than half of the Conservative MPs, Mr. Sunak announced his candidacy on Sunday evening. “I want to straighten out our economy, unite our party and act for our country”, he declared on Twitter, promising in a tackle to Boris Johnson “integrity, professionalism and responsibility”. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Rishi Sunak, favorite for the post of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom First non-white man to head the government Grandson of immigrants of Indian origin with the classic background of the British elite, Rishi Sunak, a wealthy former banker, will become the first non-white to lead the government. The former chancellor, guardian of budgetary orthodoxy and workaholic, seduces a large part of his camp while the country is going through a severe economic and social crisis, with inflation at more than 10% and strikes which are multiplying. The situation has continued to deteriorate in recent months as the government has been paralyzed by the successive upheavals agitating the majority and has been further aggravated by the mistakes of Liz Truss which have destabilized the markets and caused the pound sterling to fall. Mr. Sunak had regularly denounced Liz Truss’ economic plan this summer and he appears to be a reassuring figure for the British markets. On Monday, the pound sterling rose with the possibility of the appointment of the former finance minister as head of government. Rishi Sunak will be the fifth tenant of 10 Downing Street since the Brexit referendum in 2016, which opened a page of unprecedented economic and political turbulence in the United Kingdom. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the resignation of Liz Truss, the United Kingdom plunged into a deep and unprecedented political crisis Le Monde with AFP