Kiko Rivera is discharged today after the stroke: “My life will never be the same again”

The 39-year-old DJ has spent four days under observation in the center’s stroke unit, considered the best in all of Andalusia. Only one person could be with him and visits have been limited. His wife, Irene Rosales, has not separated from him, who is conscious, and has also received visits from family and friends such as his cousin Anabel -whose father, Bernardo, is admitted to the same center-; his cousin Manuel Cortés (Raquel Bollo’s son), or Luis Rollán, as confirmed by the journalist himself on the Fiesta program (Telecinco). He is already on the floor: “It was the biggest scare of my life” At first they were going to discharge him on Saturday, but the neurologist wanted to do another MRI test and decided to keep him on the floor for a few more days. “If everything goes well, today they discharge him,” his sister Isa Pantoja reported today. Although the stroke has been mild and in a localized area, Isabel Pantoja’s son will have to undergo “rehabilitation.” “My life will never be the same, I have been reborn” This Monday, just a few hours ago, Kiko returned to the networks with a text in which he says that he is already assimilating what has happened to him and how his life is going to change. “Good morning my people. Today I am sadder, I am beginning to assimilate what has happened to me and although I am improving, I cannot stop being sad” she begins her text on her Instagram. “It is true that I have felt the affection of many, even of people who did not expect a big hug from them. I have had and have a lot of time to think and my life will never be the same again and to give it a bit of humor (although not very eagerly) I have been reborn and it goes and touches the same face as always. I’m sorry I can’t be more active on networks, I pick up my mobile in the morning and I try to leave a message but nothing more. Without further ado, I thank all of you who have written to me in one way or another. I really appreciate everything. I hope to be home soon and to be able to hug my children is what I want most in this world, ”she adds.