The detainee for kidnapping a baby will start the procedures to enter a psychiatric center

Her lawyer has assured that if the parents of the newborn ask for a restraining order, they will not oppose The judge did not consider her medical internment necessary The lawyer assures that the young woman is “very bad” and “very sorry”, since she is starting ” to account for reality because she lived in a parallel reality “The young woman arrested for allegedly kidnapping a baby in the maternity hospital in Basurto and her family will begin this Monday in Osakidetza the procedures for her voluntary admission to a psychiatric center, according to confirmed his lawyer who has assured that if the parents of the newborn ask for a restraining order they will not object. The lawyer has made these demonstrations after this Saturday the judge of the Bilbao guard court issued an order in which the provisional release was decreed of his client without any type of precautionary measure. The young woman had spent the morning of Saturday in court and, in her statement, had has recognized the facts. In addition, at the request of the woman herself and her family, her voluntary admission to a psychiatric center was requested. However, based on the report of the emergency doctor and the coroner, the judge did not consider her medical admission necessary. The investigation procedure will continue because “founded indications” of the commission of a crime of illegal detention are appreciated, but the court did not see reasons to establish a precautionary measure of provisional detention, as it did not verify risks of escape or destruction of evidence. She has indicated that both she and her relatives consider that “it is the best” at this time and, on the other hand, in view of the intention of the baby’s parents to request a restraining order against their client, she has stated that, if it is finally so, they will not oppose it. The lawyer has stated that they want to “facilitate and collaborate as much as possible” because they understand “the pain of the parents.” The lawyer has assured that the young woman is “very bad” and “very sorry”, since she is starting ” to account for reality because he lived in a parallel reality”. As he has pointed out, he is a person “with a limited mental capacity” and is “as if he were a girl”. The lawyer has added that he is interested in apologizing to the child’s parents “if they consider it appropriate” because “they do not want to cause them more harm.” After the release order, the procedure will continue in another court and the judicial route The testimony of all the witnesses and the people in the case will be taken. Kidnapping The alleged perpetrator of these events entered the hospital last Wednesday around nine o’clock at night and, posing as health personnel, kidnapped the newborn from the plant where was found and fled the place. After a whole night of searching and investigations, at 08:15 last Thursday the baby was located, who had been abandoned by the author of the act on the doormat of a house in the Santutxu neighborhood. Immediately, the newborn was treated by the medical services displaced to the place and his good health was verified. The investigations also allowed the identification of the young woman, who, after an intense search, was located and arrested at 10:45 am the Azoka square in the Bilbao neighborhood of Zorrotza.

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