“It was not the state that killed Lola, it was a criminal”, insists Olivier Véran – Europe 1

On the eve of the funeral of the young Lola, 12, whose body was found in a trunk in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, Olivier Véran, spokesperson for the government, returned to the microphone of the Grand rendezvous on recoveries policies made after the girl’s death. He notably pointed to the demonstrations that have taken place in recent days, around Éric Zemmour in particular, where one could read on signs, next to Lola’s face: “the State killed me”. For Olivier Véran, “it was not the state that killed little Lola, it was a criminal, an assassin who kidnapped, kidnapped, assaulted and killed a 12-year-old girl. Political recovery must jump to the face when you say ‘the state killed me’. It’s not the state that’s the killer”. ‘Europe 1 / Les Echos / CNews, Olivier Véran criticized “a scandalous recovery. Alongside this, we must also ask ourselves all the questions about how such a tragedy could have taken place, beyond the fact that it was a woman. who was deportable. How can such a tragedy occur in our society?” he insisted. The government spokesperson then returned to the question of compliance with the obligations to leave French territory (OQTF). The alleged suspect in the murder of Lola had indeed been targeted since August by an OQTF and should have left France by the end of September at the latest. For Olivier Véran, “the question is how can we do, in European societies, so that when a person is deportable, they can be deported.” Asked about the rate of execution of OQTFs in France, which ” were 6% last year whereas they were 22% 10 years ago”, recalls Dimitri Pavlenko, this level “has risen again this year. Last year [ces chiffres étaient liés] confinement and Covid where expulsions were difficult”, justifies Olivier Véran. For the government spokesperson, the problem comes from the countries of origin of the people targeted by an OQTF: “there is a blockage which does not come from our ability to expel people who no longer have a place on the national territory, but which comes from the ability to make the recipient countries accept the people who are part of their nationality and who should therefore return there”, insists- he at the microphone of Europe 1 / Les Echos / CNews. “We are working diplomatically hard with all the countries to which a certain number of nationals belong. This is serious work carried out at national and European level.” “It is not a lack of political will” For the government spokesperson, ensuring that all of the OQTFs are respected is “an objective what we want to achieve. We have reorganized things with the administrative detention centers (CRA) where foreigners in an irregular situation who have committed offenses and who, even before being expelled, must not be left at liberty are held. of the presumed suspect in the murder of Lola, he underlines that she “had not committed a crime, was not known by the courts to have committed the slightest reprobatory act even if it had been 10 days since she was formally expelled .” Before concluding: “on the expulsion of people who have no place, there is no lack of political will. What we must continue to do and what the President of the Republic is asking for is that we work with the countries to which we must send people back.

1 thought on ““It was not the state that killed Lola, it was a criminal”, insists Olivier Véran – Europe 1”

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