High-speed chase of some drug traffickers while they throw the drug overboard

Image of the persecutionCivil GuardThe drug traffickers, once they detected the agents, aborted the intention to clear themTo gain speed, they threw the drug bundles overboard and the Civil Guard later picked them upDespite everything, the Benemérita agents caught up with the drug traffickers after a persecution The Civil Guard has intervened in waters near the province of Huelva about 3500 kg of hashish after carrying out a high-speed follow-up to a semi-rigid boat of those usually used for drug smuggling by sea. The operation was initiated when the 062 Coordination Operations Center of the Civil Guard detected the presence of a semi-rigid boat with several occupants in front of the Nueva Umbría beach, transporting on board a significant number of bales heading for the coast, apparently with the intention of that area. Immediately a coordinated device was established for its interception in which to participate with civil guards from the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Command, the Provincial Maritime Service and a helicopter from the Air Service. The drug traffickers, after detecting the presence of the Civil Guard, desisted from their intention and headed south again to evade the agents, not achieving their mission since they were located about 20 miles from the coast by the helicopter and the boat of the Maritime Service. At that moment the follow-up of the semi-rigid began, which lasted for about 40 minutes. Bales overboard During this follow-up and in order to gain speed to avoid being hit, the four occupants of the semi-rigid boat threw all bundles they were transporting, thus losing all the merchandise. Meanwhile, the pilot of the “narcolancha” carried out reckless maneuvers with the aim of avoiding its reach, seriously risking the physical integrity of its occupants and the Maritime Service agents who were carrying them. They continued. The seized drug was distributed in 100 bundles of between 30 and 35 kg. of weight each, throwing a total weight of about 3,500 Kg, which were collected by the agents for later destruction. The investigations are still open and future arrests are not ruled out.

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