SNCF plans a “gradual return to normal” tomorrow – The HuffPost

GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP Travelers stand in front of information boards on the day of a national strike of France’s national state-owned railway company SNCF for the raise of wages at Gare de Lyon train station in Paris on July 6, 2022. – Three high-speed trains (TGV) out of four running on some lines, and two Regional trains (TER) out of five: the strike of the employees of the SNCF disrupted on July 6, 2022 morning the departure for summer vacations for many travelers. (Photo by Geoffroy Van der Hasselt / AFP) GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP The SNCF plans a “gradual return to normal” this Wednesday, October 19 on most of its train lines, the day after a day of interprofessional strike ( illustration) STRIKES – Trains on time, or almost. The SNCF plans a “gradual return to normal” this Wednesday, October 19 on most of its train lines, the day after a day of interprofessional strike. “Disturbances are nevertheless still possible locally”, in particular on certain suburban trains and RER in Île-de-France. “National and international TGV traffic will be almost normal, and Intercity traffic will be slightly disrupted”, indicates the SNCF in a press release. However, in Paris, only one in two trains will still run on the RER D line and the northern portion of the RER B, as well as on the Transiliens H, R and U. The Transiliens J, L, N, P and RER C will see two out of three trains running. The service will be normal on the RER A and E, the Transilien K and the trams 4, 11 and 13. “The details of the regional transport plans are communicated by SNCF Voyageurs in each of the regions”, is it added in the press release. Interprofessional day On Tuesday, tens of thousands of people took to the streets throughout France during a day of interprofessional “mobilization and strike” for a rise in wages and against the requisitions of strikers in refineries. At the SNCF, the strike call was launched Thursday by the CGT, the first representative union, and Sud-Rail, the third, to demand wage increases and protest against requisitions in the energy sector. On July 6, the management of the SNCF had granted an average increase of 3.7% for low salaries and 2.2% for executives at the end of a day of strike which had disrupted departures on summer vacation. summer. According to the SNCF, one in two trains was circulating in the regions on Tuesday. TGV traffic is for its part “almost normal” but the operator expects that it may be “slightly disrupted” on Ouigo trains as well as on the Atlantic network, as are the France-Spain and Eurostar links. You cannot view this content because you have refused the cookies associated with content from third parties. If you want to view this content, you can change your choices.

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