What is Gilbert’s syndrome, Paz Padilla’s disease that prevents him from drinking alcohol

After being accused of being drunk in a viral video, the presenter clarifies that she is a teetotaler since she suffers from this liver condition based on poor processing of bilirubin. It affects less than 10% of the population and is hereditary, which is why she has instilled the habit. of not drinking his daughter, Anna, as he already explained in the Bertín Osborne program What is Gilbert’s syndrome? What are the symptoms and treatment? Accusing someone of being drunk is always unpleasant. But that they do it when the person has not drunk a drop of alcohol is outrageous. That is why Paz Padilla has jumped when it has been insinuated that he had gone overboard with the “water of mystery” (euphemism for “alcohol” in Save Me) and has denied it by speaking again of the liver disease he suffers from, Gilbert’s syndrome , which has made her a teetotaler for life. It all started when Paz Padilla attended the opening of the Halloween season at Parque Warner in Madrid, and the journalists who interviewed her believed that she was too tipsy, in an alleged state of drunkenness, doing The video goes viral on social networks: The comedian from Cádiz does not need alcohol to be funny, and in fact she does not try it due to the liver condition she suffers from: “Is anyone surprised or surprised that I am joking and joking? I don’t think so, it’s my way of life?”, she said surprised. “I want to clarify one thing because I have seen something on social networks that has caught my attention. I know who said it because he is a reporter who assured that I was in the house of terror tipsy, like drunk, ”explains Paz Padilla, revealing that she never drinks alcohol. “I always drink non-alcoholic beer. First because I can’t drink. I have a disease called Gilbert’s syndrome. It upsets me a lot and I don’t digest alcohol, I don’t assimilate it, “she explained. “I have nothing against people who drink alcohol, but I just can’t. I never take risks because I don’t play with my health. It’s for you ”, adds the presenter, who over the years has been telling how she took care of her health more and more. He stopped smoking, with a method that he explained to NIUS, and has restricted all processed products and soft drinks from his diet. A syndrome that his daughter Anna could inherit It is a hereditary liver condition, as Paz Padila already revealed in the program Bertín Osborne My house is yours (Telecinco) when he spoke for the first time about this ailment as the reason for not drinking alcohol, a habit that he has instilled in his daughter, Anna Ferrer, since Gilbert’s syndrome has a genetic component. Paz Padilla , with her daughter Anna, both wearing the T-shirt of her fashion firm, NoNiNáEuropa PressThen there was talk of other celebrities who never drink due to this syndrome, and several Mediaset presenters pointed to Jordi González as other famous people who could suffer from it, although this has never been confirmed by him. Jordi González in platótelecinco.es What is Gilbert’s syndrome It is characterized by intermittent hyperbilirubinemia (high levels of bilirubin in the blood) caused by a partial deficiency of the enzyme glucuronyltransferase, which causes the liver to not properly process bilirubin, which is produced by the disintegration of red blood cells. Why is it called that? It owes its name to the French gastroenterologist Augustin Nicolas Gilbert and Pierre Lereboullet, who first described the enzyme glucuronyltransferase in 1901. Most common symptoms Gilbert’s syndrome, which affects less than 10% of the population, is not serious and has no symptoms, although mild jaundice (yellowing of the skin) may appear. ) in conditions of excessive effort, stress, insomnia, fasting, infections or after taking some medications such as paracetamol, or alcohol consumption, since the concentration of bilirubin in the blood increases in these situations. How is it diagnosed? It is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 30, when a routine blood test is performed and an elevated level of bilirubin appears in the blood. Total bilirubin figures are generally between 2 and 4 mg/dL, rarely exceeding 5 mg/dL, and the normal value is 1 mg/dL. Passing through the liver, this bilirubin reacts with glucuronic acid, transforming into bilirubin “conjugate” or direct; which makes it water soluble and can be excreted in the bile. The defective enzymes in Gilbert’s syndrome affect other functions of the liver for the detoxification of certain substances, including some drugs and alcohol. Some people report diffuse symptoms related to the Gilbert’s syndrome, but in scientific studies carried out in adults no clear evidence has been found to demonstrate its existence, so these symptoms could in some cases be manifestations of other conditions of the individual and be mistakenly attributed to Gilbert’s syndrome. This has led to some debate as to whether Gilbert’s syndrome should really be classified as a disease or as a variant of normality. With Gilbert’s syndrome, you can lead a completely normal life, as long as the care mentioned above is followed. Several analyzes have found a significant decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease in individuals who suffer from it.

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