Ukraine, Kiev services: “War will end by summer and Russia will fall apart”

The war in Ukraine will be over by the summer and Russia will fall apart. This was predicted by the head of military intelligence services Kyrilo Budanov, interviewed by the Obozrevatel website, relaunched by Ukrinform. Budanov also predicted significant progress on the ground by the end of 2022, with the possible liberation of Kherson. Read also “In late spring, all this will be over. By the summer it will all be over”, said Budanov, stressing that Ukraine will have to “first” go back to the 1991 borders (including Crimea). By the end of 2022, he continued, “there will be significant victories”. When asked if it is Kherson, he replied: “We hope it can be.” According to Budanov, the end of the war will lead to a “very serious political process” in Russia, with some regions breaking away from the Federation, starting with from those of the Caucasus. “There are many territorial problems. The ‘Russian federation’ is just a name. It is a very large territory … It is based only on faith in the power of the regime. As soon as the regime collapses, everything will break.” Russia will also have to pay reparations to Ukraine, Budanov says. Russian armaments chapter: The first package of Iranian drones purchased by Moscow included 1,750 of these weapons, but the Ukrainians shot down 70%, according to Budanov. “The first tranche of the order consisted of 1,750 drones, followed by other orders”, says Budanov, stressing that production and delivery “are not an instant process”. “They are gradually depleting them, the Iranians are making new ones, but we shoot down about 70% of all drones.” According to Budanov, Russia has a shortage of missiles. The stock of Iskander missiles would have shrunk to 13%, despite the Russian law prohibiting it from going below 30%. Meanwhile, the new Iris-T system arrived on the 12th from Germany has already been integrated into the Ukrainian anti-air defense, as announced by the spokesman of the aviation command, Yuriy Ihnat, quoted by Ukrinform. UN – Russia is responsible for most of the potential war crimes that have been committed in Ukraine. As well as violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. This is what we read in the report drawn up by the United Nations Commission of Inquiry into Ukraine on the basis of the investigations carried out in the regions of Kiev, Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Sumy between the end of February and March 2022. ” The Russian Armed Forces they are responsible for the vast majority of identified violations, including war crimes. Ukrainian forces have also committed violations of international humanitarian law in some cases, including two incidents that qualify as war crimes, ” the document states. Independent International Commission of Inquiry into Ukraine has well-founded reasons for concluding that a series of war crimes, violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law have been committed in Ukraine. Given the gravity of the violations identified, there is an undeniable need for accountability. ” Commission President Erik Møse stressed that ” the impact of these violations on the civilian population in Ukraine is immense. Thousands of human lives have been lost. The destruction of infrastructure is devastating. “The investigation documented attacks with the indiscriminate use of explosive weapons in populated areas that were under attack by the Russian military. The Commission also found that the Russian military had attacked civilians who There were also documented summary executions, unlawful imprisonment, torture, ill-treatment, rape and other sexual violence committed in areas occupied by the Russian armed forces. People were detained, some were illegally deported to the Russian Federation and many still remain The victims of sexual violence are of all ages. Family members, including children, were sometimes forced to stand by and watch as crimes were committed. The Commission therefore recommends greater coordination of international and national accountability efforts. to improve effectiveness and prevent harm to victims and a the witnesses. The Commission, consistent with its mandate, will try to help identify those responsible.

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