DIRECT. Murder of Lola: arrested by Marine Le Pen, Elisabeth Borne calls for “a little decency”

Find here all of our live #POLITIQUE15h59: The Senate adopted in first reading the orientation and programming bill of the Ministry of the Interior (Lopmi). This text provides for a financial effort of 15 billion euros over five years. The text was voted by 307 votes for and 27 votes against. It must now be examined by the National Assembly. 3:55 p.m.: After the arrest of Marine Le Pen, Elisabeth Borne calls for calm and “respecting the pain of the family”. “Let the police and justice do [leur] work”, she adds. , who had been challenged by @EricPAUGET1.#DirectAN #QAG
3:55 p.m .: It is Marine Le Pen’s turn to challenge the government on the murder of Lola. “The suspect of this barbaric act should not have been on our territory”, assures the leader of the National Rally. A few minutes ago, the Keeper of the Seals recalled that an obligation to leave the territory (OQTF) had been issued on August 22, but “without an obligation to leave the territory immediately”. Justice responds to a question from a deputy Les Républicains who mentioned the government’s migration policy as responsible for the death of Lola. “Doing petty politics (…), using the coffin of a 12-year-old girl as one uses a step, it’s a shame”, launches Eric Dupond-Moretti. 3:21 p.m.: ” It is not acceptable that a minority continues to block the country, it is time for work to resume”, declares @Elisabeth_Borne. >> “Thanks to all the measures we have taken, we are now experiencing a significant improvement in the situation”. #QAG
3:17 p.m.: “It is time for work to resume,” says Elisabeth Borne. -25% of stations out of stock this noon, announces the head of government. a “significant improvement” in service stations, with “less than 25%” of stations “out of order” at midday. 3:11 p.m .: Bruno Le Maire answers. “We have had a quality debate since the examination of the text,” he said. He also thanks @ericcoquerel for participating. “We will continue these debates,” promises the Minister of the Economy. 3:10 p.m.: @ericcoquerel attacks on the budget and the use of 49.3. He speaks of a “minority government” and an “anti-social budget”. “Where this should be discussed is in the National Assembly”. “I ask you not to resort to this authoritarian article of the Constitution” 3:10 p.m.: Questions to the government begin in a tense atmosphere, with a question from LFI deputy Eric Coquerel on the budget and recourse to p.m.: A little earlier , the socialist senator Laurence Rossignol had called on the government to present itself a text on the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution. A transpartisan bill must be debated tomorrow in the Senate, but it has little chance of succeeding. “It’s good to support our bill (…) but the government, like us, we know that the parliamentary initiative procedure will not go to the end”, declared the elected official. inclusion of voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the Constitution will be studied by the Law Commission on November 9, announced the patron saint of LREM deputies, Aurore Bergé, during a press conference of the Renaissance group. 2:51 p.m.: According to a framework of the majority, between “80 and 100” amendments will be retained for the budget, representing a cost of “700 to 800 million additional euros”. #directAN2:50 p.m .: About 2,000 amendments out of the more than 3,000 tabled on the text of the budget remain to be examined. A part, “between 80 and 100”, could be retained, informs a framework of the majority to our journalist Margaux Duguet. 2:47 p.m .: The deputies are expected in the hemicycle within a quarter of an hour. The atmosphere promises to be tense between questions to the government, then the continuation of the examination of the budget, against a backdrop of the threat of recourse to 49.3. You can follow the debates in our live. 2:46 p.m .: The Communists will not vote for a motion of censure against the government if it is tabled by the National Rally. “We don’t have the same political orientations at all,” said the party’s national secretary, Fabien Roussel, this morning at the microphone of BFMTV. “The National Rally did not want to vote for the restoration of wealth tax” and “the rise in the minimum wage”, highlighted the deputy from the North.

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