Irene Montero describes as “bad news” that PSOE and PP “decide to delay the processing of the Trans Law”

“We cannot make trans people and the LGTBI community wait any longer for their rights to become law,” says the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero “No delays. Time to dedicate to the importance of this bill, without a doubt, yes”, explained the general secretary of the socialist parliamentary group, Isaura LealThe PSOE has recognized that it needs “time” to work on the Trans Law, although it has rejected criticism for this delay in the processing of the lawThis has been indicated through a publication on social networks, in reference to the extension of the term of amendments to the norm that has been approved in Congress and that delays the debate of the same, at least, until after next October 26. However, this process can continue to be extended on a weekly basis if the training requires it and if it is accepted. “We cannot make trans people and the LGTBI community wait any longer for their rights to become law, without a single right less. This is the commitment of the Government”, the minister has written on her Twitter account. Call for compliance with the deadlines The Government delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, has also referred to this Government agreement when asked about this issue and has recalled that the deadlines for processing a text “are very material for the rights of the people”. That is why he has called for “meeting the deadlines” and has quoted the former socialist president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, to recall that this type of law “immediately give people happiness.” On the reverse, the Government delegate has declared, when “expectations are not met” with these regulations, “people are left more unprotected.” PSOE rejects criticism In the press conference after the Board of Spokespersons of Congress, the PSOE has recognized that it needs “time” to work on the Trans Law, although it has rejected criticism for this delay in processing the law. As he points out, this extension of the deadlines for amendments to the rule is “part of normality” in parliamentary work. “No delays. Time to dedicate to the importance of this bill, without a doubt, yes,” he explained. the general secretary of the socialist parliamentary group in Congress, Isaura Leal. Processing time “very short” In addition, for Leal, the processing time that the norm is taking “is very short” in relation to what is usually carried out by the texts that are working in Congress. In fact, he recalled that the debate on the entire law took place “12 days ago”. majority efforts” of “these weeks” in the processing of the PGE. As explained by the general secretary of the Socialists in Congress, of the 120 deputies of the PSOE, 90 will have interventions in the coming days in the appearances of the members of the Government.

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