The images of the hundreds of bags of “toxic ash” in the open air that accumulate in Valdemingómez

They denounce that, instead of being buried, the ash is stacked in a dozen rows of sacks, some of which are broken. It is “very dangerous” waste that is “at the mercy of the wind or the rain”, so that could move to inhabited areas For this reason, they have asked Seprona to investigate this situation and “the relevant criminal responsibilities be settled” Ecologists in Action has denounced today before the Nature Protection Service of the Civil Guard (Seprona) that “Hundreds of bags of toxic ashes” from the Las Lomas incinerator, in Valdemingómez (Madrid), are found in the open air, which they consider may be “a crime”, as well as “very dangerous” for the health of the population. population and for the environment. The complaint has been filed by Ecologists in Action, the Regional Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Madrid (the Fravm), and the Action Group for the Environment (Grama), who ask for an investigation this fact. Specifically, they denounce that, instead of being buried, the ash is stacked in a dozen rows of sacks, some of which are broken. And they warn that it is “very dangerous” waste that is “a mercy of the wind or the rain”, so that they could move to the inhabited areas that surround Valdemingómez, affecting the population and the environment. in a statement that this ton of “dangerous” remains are found “without adequate custody” in the Valdemingómez Technology Park. For this reason, they have asked Seprona to investigate this situation and “the relevant criminal responsibilities are settled”, while They make it ugly that the Madrid City Council, on which this infrastructure depends, “allows to keep” tons of ash on the surface and “in these conditions” that contain “very harmful” compounds for salt you and the environment. In parallel, they reiterate their demand for the closure of the Valdemingómez incinerator, a facility “inefficient but very dangerous for health and the environment.” They defend that it is a private plantFor their part, sources from the Madrid City Council They assure Efe that this facility “is not the responsibility of the City Council” of the capital, “neither is owned nor managed by the City Council”, but is a private plant “managed by a private company”, and is outside the Valdemingómez Technology Park. However, they add, yesterday the Department of the Environment sent the municipal technicians to “verify” this issue, emphasizing that the Madrid City Council “can ensure that all the bags with the waste come out in perfect condition from Las Lomas towards the ash dump”.

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