The mother of the minor with Asperger’s allegedly raped by his peers: “At 14 they knew what they were doing”

Sergi, the minor with Asperger’s who allegedly suffered harassment and rape by four classmates in Vallirana, faces his aggressors again. This Tuesday the trial of four young people accused of sexually harassing and assaulting, when they were between 14 and 15 years old, a 13-year-old high school classmate from Vallirana (Barcelona) began. The victim, who is still a minor, suffers from post-traumatic stress, as confirmed by her mother Pilar Joan at the gates of the court: “This summer she has suffered from depression. She is very nervous because she wants them to believe it,” she said. He asks for 3 years in prison for the defendants but the family thinks it is insufficient: “It seems bad to me because at the age of 14 they already knew what they were doing,” Pilar lamented. They ask that the Ministry of Education take action on the matter: “They have taken away the most important thing, which is physical and mental health,” she said. The parents will come to the end: “Our satisfaction is that he sees that we have fought for him,” he added. 6 from Barcelona. The Prosecutor’s Office will request three years of internment for the four defendants and does not appreciate the concurrence of rape but it does appreciate sexual assault and against moral integrity. Instead, the private prosecution brought by the victim’s family will request four years and attributes to the four accused crimes against moral integrity, sexual assault and rape of a minor under 16 years of age. In addition, they ask for compensation of 85,000 euros from the school, as civil liability, considering that it did not apply the protocols against bullying. A trial in which the victim will not have to testify because the value of constituted evidence has been given to his appearance in the investigation phase. The events date back to December 2018, when the family reported to the Mossos d’Esquadra that the child, who was 13 years old at the time, had been raped by a group of third-year ESO students from the Colegio del Roser de Vallirana, where he was also studying. The parents also reported that the minor had been the target of insults and threats from his classmates. high school, to the point that they finally had to leave the concerted school. The family reproached in its day that neither the institute nor the Generalitat did anything with the alleged aggressors.

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