LIVE – Strike: the Parisian demonstration has started – BFM Business

14:45 For Clémence Guetté, this mobilization is “an opportunity to ask for salary increases for all” “Today people can’t take it anymore, so it’s time to act politically”, launches at the microphone of BFMTV the deputy LFI / Nupes Clémence Guetté, in the Parisian procession. “I am delighted to see that what left the refineries is then spread to other sectors”, she explains. opportunity to ask for salary increases for all”, adds the deputy. 2:35 p.m. The Parisian procession set off in the capital. heart of winter”, felt this m ardi, the manager of the electricity transmission network in France RTE. RTE, however, considers “very low” to “moderate” the risk for the security of electricity supply in the coming weeks, in a press release. blocked in France High school students blocked establishments on Tuesday, particularly in Paris, in support of the inter-union strike for wage increases and the right to strike, but also against the reform of the vocational high school and Parcoursup and in support of the mobilized students of Nanterre. The Ministry of National Education counts about thirty blockages and a hundred “incidents” (demonstrations and disturbances). 2:09 p.m. It will be Place d’Italie in the 13th arrondissement and will go up the boulevards Auguste Blanqui, Saint-Jacques and Raspail. He will then join the boulevard Montparnasse in the direction of the place Vauban at the end of the boulevard des Invalides in the 7th arrondissement of the capital. the Parisian demonstration, the number 1 of the CGT Philippe Martinez considers that “mobilization must take place over time, but it is the employees who will decide”. For the trade union leader, “all employees must be concerned by the wage increases”. 12:43 Refinery strike: the CGT meets this Tuesday evening on the follow-up to the movement The CGT representatives of the oil sites of TotalEnergies, on strike for three weeks, will meet at the start of the evening on the follow-up to be given to their movement of wage demands. “We will see the rest, if we continue, or not, or partially. It will depend in particular on the day today, it restores momentum and there is always this feeling of anger. will see if this is enough to push the movement forward. And in the end it is the employees who will vote”, affirmed the CGT coordinator for the group, Eric Sellini. the pavement across France on this day of inter-professional mobilization. While the Paris procession will set off at 2 p.m., the CGT claims a total of around 200 rallies throughout France. Demonstrators in Le Havre, October 18, 2022. © NICOLAS MAETERLINCK / AFP11:42According to the ministry, 5.67% of National Education staff are on strike this TuesdayThe ministry announces that 5.67% of National Education staff at the national level are on strike this Tuesday, for this day of inter-professional mobilization. According to ministry data, 6.04% of teachers are on strike. The mobilization is particularly followed in vocational high schools, where 22.94% of staff are on strike this Tuesday.11:29 The moderately followed strike at the RATP is nevertheless “the beginning of a cycle” The strike movement at the RATP for wages should not be renewed on Wednesday, indicated the general secretary of the CGT-RATP Bertrand Hammache, while the strike day is only moderately followed in the company. “On the other hand, it is the beginning of a cycle”, he indicated, not excluding new days of mobilization “after the school holidays de la Toussaint” which ends on November 6. 11:19 LFI deputies alongside striking employees of Monoprix The rebellious deputies Éric Coquerel, Rachel Keke and Thomas Portes find themselves this Tuesday morning alongside striking employees of a Monoprix brand in Paris “Two years later these workers on the front line during the Covid have not had the salary increase and the hirings requested. Today, their cause joins that for the salary increases which continue”, writes Éric Coquerel on Twitter. of the Gare de Lyon, in Paris, to support the strikers. “Because striking is not easy, contrary to what some might say,” said the rebellious. “The French must unite in the face of a government that will stop at nothing,” he said. “It’s a standoff with power, a kind of May 68 beaded because the aggression is so fierce,” added Jean-Luc Mélenchon.10 :53With the strike and the fuel crisis, carpooling platforms are filling up”Record levels” of users of carpooling platforms: between fuel shortages and public transport strike announcements, the French are organizing to more and more collectively for daily journeys. The BlaBlaCar Daily network, which offers short daily journeys, observes a 30% increase in requests to be a passenger since the strikes in French refineries and the resulting fuel shortages. 10:45 The government could announce new requisitions “probably” this Tuesday The government could announce new requisitions “probably” this Tuesday and will do “as much as necessary” to ensure the return to normal, announced the spokesperson, while the strike in fuel depots and refineries continues. will have as many requisitions as necessary”, indicated Olivier Véran, guest in the morning of France 2. Asked about the fact that this could take place as early as this Tuesday, he replied “probably”. 10:16 Fabien Roussel announces that he will file a bill aimed at changing wages according to inflation Guest of BFMTV this Tuesday, Fabien Roussel announced that he wishes to restore “the sliding scale of wages which exists was until 1982.” “This device requires by law that all salaries above the Smic automatically evolve according to the price index, inflation,” explains the Communist deputy. “It’s is a measure of justice so that all employees do not lose purchasing power”, he adds. “part of the employers to increase wages when possible”, believing that there was “a problem of wages” in France. “A worker, an employee who works, must be paid a fair wage”, affirmed on RTL the Minister of the Interior. When asked if the current situation foreshadowed a large-scale social movement, he argued that “the social weather was very difficult to predict”. “What is certain”, added Gérald Darmanin, “is that people find that their salaries have not followed the price increase”. While the unions are demanding wage increases, companies prefer to pay bonuses in a context of economic uncertainty. On BFM Business, the Minister of Labor, if he says he hears the demands of the unions, believes that bonuses are useful tools and acclaimed by employees.” When some trade unions tell us “the bonus is one-time, it is not subject to cotision, we prefer remuneration in the form of wages” I can hear the reasoning”, recognizes Olivier Dussopt. “But I also know that the employees who are affected by these bonuses are happy to receive them, admits the minister. After I say, wherever companies can, they have to play the game but you have to consider their ability to do so in the economic context.”8:02Fuels: new requisitions todayWhile 13 striking TotalEnergies employees were requisitioned on Monday at the Feyzin and Mardyck sites, new ones could take place this Tuesday. “There will be requisitions as many as necessary” to meet the needs of the French , “in a proportionate way” and “probably”, assures government spokesman Olivier Véran this morning on France 2.7:15 What disturbances for this day of strike? Transport, energy, education, public service … The strike should be more or less followed depending on the sector.BFM Business takes a look here at the various disruptions that you may encounter this Tuesday, October 18.7:06 Wage increases: 3% on average in 2022While the minimum wage has increased by 8% in one year, salary increases will have averaged 3% in France in 2022 according to Deloitte. An increase lower than the Smic which hides significant disparities. produced by the Elabe Institute for BFMTV and broadcast this Tuesday. 49% of French people disapprove of this movement against 39% who support it. Regarding the strike in the refineries, 48% of French people say they are hostile or in opposition to the movement of Total employees, an increase of 8% in almost a week. This is partly explained by the agreement reached between the CFDT and the management of the oil group. 71% of those questioned believe that “the employees have already obtained a sufficient increase from the management of Total [et qu’ils] should stop the mobilization”, against 28%. As a result, a clear majority of French people are in favor of the requisitioning of striking employees to restore the supply of petrol stations (60%, +9%).5:56Who has been on strike?Since several days, the call for interprofessional mobilization launched by several trade unions for this Tuesday, October 18 has found a growing echo.Who is on strike?We take stock here: Transport, energy, schools, private sector… What can we expect with the strikes this Tuesday?

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