The image of bicephaly: the interim presidents of the Supreme Court and the CGPJ coincide in the midst of a judicial crisis

The act was chaired by Marín Castán and Mozo sat in the chair that is usually available for other judicial authorities The appointment of Rafael Mozo is being appealed to the Supreme Court Bicephaly keeps the CGPJ and the Supreme Court in conflict In the midst of a crisis in the Judiciary and with a open battle between the CGPJ and the Supreme Court, an official act put on stage the two protagonists of the bicephaly created after the resignation of Carlos Lesmes: Francisco Marín Castán, acting president of the Supreme Court, and Rafael Mozo, substitute for the president of the CGPJ by designation of their peers. Both have coincided in an act in the TS leaving the first image of judicial bicephaly. Presiding over the act, Marín Castán. Mozo, as an assistant, has sat in a chair other than the one at the court table. It is, according to legal sources, the same seat that is usually used for “robed State powers”, such as that of the former president of the Constitutional Court, when they attend an act in the Plenary Hall of the Supreme Court. The act, in addition, had as its true protagonist Dolores Delgado, the former Minister of Justice and former Attorney General of the State, who also came dragging her own controversy, for being appointed prosecutor of the Supreme Court despite the opinion of the Fiscal Council. Her inauguration was the event; in front Marín Castán; and Rafael Mozo present, in the first public act since 16 members of the CGPJ agreed to put him at the head of the Plenary and since another of them appealed to the Supreme Court. , with the announcement of the resignation of Carlos Lesmes, president of the two judicial bodies. It was a measure of pressure directed at the parties that must renew the CGPJ, in office for four years. But beyond a meeting between Sánchez and Feijóo, which is not yet known if it will be fruitful, he stressed the upper echelons of the judiciary to the limit. In an attempt to tie the relay, Lesmes sent a report to the Supreme Court, which was supported by the Government Chamber, which said that Marín Castán, vice president of the Supreme Court (acting), would be the new president. That, in principle, meant that he would also assume the presidency of the CGPJ. But the members did not see it with good eyes and decided not to take the hint. In his opinion, Castán is not president with all the functions and is alien to the Council. So they decided to appoint Mozo, his oldest member, as a substitute for the president. From there, internal anger; discomfort in the Supreme; and an appeal with a request for precautionary suspension, which must be resolved by Chamber III of the High Court before the end of Wednesday. His arguments: that bicephaly does not fit with our legal system and that Rafael Mozo does not meet the necessary requirements to be president of the CGPJ. In any case, this Tuesday they have shared an act and leave an image of a troubled time, although not unprecedented. The one with bicephaly. The appointment of DelgadoThe anger between CGPJ and TS has dissipated the discomfort that existed in some sectors of the Prosecutor’s Office due to the appointment of Dolores Delgado, who rises directly to the highest category of the prosecutor’s career. Her successor, Álvaro García Ortiz, carried out the appointment in front of the majority of the Fiscal Council, which was opposed to the former minister covering the first vacancy in the Chamber since her resignation for health reasons. Ana García León has also taken office in the Supreme Court, replacing the current State Attorney General Álvaro García Ortiz in the technical secretariat of the FGE.

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