La Paz de Madrid and the University Clinic of Navarra repeat as the best public and private hospitals in Spain

The Health Reputation Monitor study has carried out 6,526 surveys of health professionals, patients and experts, who have evaluated 3,010 objective indicators of 2,912 clinical servicesThe best public hospitals are, after La Paz, Clínic Barcelona, ​​Gregorio Marañón (Madrid), 12 de Octubre (Madrid) and Vall d’Hebron (Barcelona) In the “top ten” of private hospitals, the first six positions repeat: Navarra University Clinic, Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, HM Sanchinarro/Clara Campal University Hospital, Sanitas University Hospital La Zarzuela, Teknon-Quirónsalud Medical Center and Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital. The La Paz University Hospital in Madrid and the Navarra University Clinic continue to be the most reputable hospitals in the “ranking” of public and private hospital centers, respectively, according to the study of the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS). For the eighth edition of the new “ranking” of hospitals and services c hospitals with the best health reputation in 2022, which was presented this Tuesday at a press conference, 6,526 surveys have been carried out of health professionals, patients and experts, who have evaluated 3,010 objective indicators of 2,912 clinical services. The ten most public hospitals renowned repeat the positions of the last edition: after the Madrid hospital of La Paz, which stands out in 12 clinical services, it is followed by the Barcelona Clinic, which does the same in six; the Gregorio Marañón (Madrid), in three; and October 12 (Madrid) and Vall d’Hebron (Barcelona), each of which stands out in two services. Sixth place on this list is occupied by Hospital Politécnic La Fe (Valencia); seventh is Ramón y Cajal (Madrid), which stands out in a clinical service, followed by Virgen del Rocío (Seville) and Madrid-based Fundación Jiménez Días and Clínico San Carlos. In the “top ten” of private hospitals, they repeat the first six positions: Navarra University Clinic, Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, HM Sanchinarro/Clara Campal University Hospital, Sanitas La Zarzuela University Hospital, Teknon-Quirónsalud Medical Center and Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital. In seventh place is Quirónsalud Barcelona ( rises one place compared to the previous edition), HM Montepríncipe (down one place, to eighth), Ruber Internacional (remains in the same place) and Quirón Dexeus University Hospital (up three places). Meanwhile, the selection of clinical services with the best reputation by specialty is the following:- Allergology: La Paz University Hospital- Anesthesiology and Resuscitation: La Paz University Hospital- Digestive System: Ho spital Clínic Barcelona- Cardiology: Hospital Universitario La Paz- General and Digestive Surgery: Hospital Clínic Barcelona- Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology: Hospital Universitario La Paz- Surgical Dermatology: Hospital Universitario La Paz- Endocrinology: Hospital Universitario La Paz- Nephrology: Hospital Clínic Barcelona- Pulmonology: Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre- Neurology: Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron- Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Hospital Clínic Barcelona- Ophthalmology: Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal- Medical Oncology: Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebrón- Otorhinolaryngology: Hospital La Paz University Hospital- Pediatrics and specific areas: La Paz University Hospital- Psychiatry: Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital- Rheumatology: La Paz University Hospital- Urology: Hospital Clínic Barcelona- Internal Medicine: La Paz University Hospital- Radiodiagnosis: Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital – Hematology a: Hospital Clínic Barcelona- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Hospital Universitario La Paz- Hospital Pharmacy: Hospital General Universitario Gregorio MarañónMRS has an Advisory Council made up of the General Councils of doctors and nurses, patient associations, journalists and health communicators, in addition to different personalities of recognized prestige in Spanish health.

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