Transport, energy, National Education: update on this day of strike – France Bleu

The standoff between the CGT and the management of TotalEnergies is spreading. Mobilized for several days, the refineries of France are still disrupted this Tuesday on the basis of wage demands. Their movement inspired a day of general and interprofessional mobilization on October 18. The watchword: a rise in wages and the defense of the right to strike. The CGT is protesting against the requisitions ordered by the government in several fuel depots in order to supply gas stations. Throughout France, several rallies are planned for this Tuesday and strike notices have been filed in many sectors. Transport, energy, national education, etc. France Bleu takes stock of the current disruptions. The essential Disrupted transport. Regional trains are the most affected by this strike day, one out of two TER and Intercity trains are running on average. Strikes in refineries. Monday evening, 28.1% of stations were in difficulty against more than 30% the day before, according to the Minister of Energy. New requisitions in fuel depots will “probably” take place during the day. The CGT TotalEnergies representatives meet this Tuesday at the start of the evening. Just over 6% of teachers are on strike. Nearly 150 events planned in France. Possibility of a renewable strike until the All Saints holidays. Why are unions calling for a strike? Answer in this article. Update the article by clicking here SNCFThe circulation of regional trains disruptedRegional trains are the most affected by this day of mobilization, carried by the CGT Cheminots and Sud-Rail: one TER and one Intercity train out of two on average do not run. Ditto for the networks of Ile-de-France. On the other hand, TGV traffic is only marginally affected, announces the SNCF. Thalys traffic is normal and few disruptions are expected for the Eurostar to London. SNCF traffic forecasts this Tuesday, October 18 © Visactu Regional forecasts “The movement could extend until the All Saints holidays” On franceinfo, Erik Meyer, federal secretary Sud-Rail, welcomed a “rather successful” mobilization at the SNCF. He estimates that “more than one out of two train drivers is on strike”. The trade unionist indicates that the movement could extend until the All Saints holidays. “Everything will depend on the proposals that will be put on the table by management,” he warns. At the SNCF, “a third of the general assemblies renew (the strike)”, announced on Twitter the secretary general of the CGT Laurent Brun on Twitter by revealing the first trends. “The others are asking for a new day of action. So in any case the railway workers are determined to obtain real salary increases. Contrary to the lies of the HRD of the SNCF, there was only 1.4% and 500 euros per year,” he added. The HRD, François Nogué, said Monday that the SNCF had increased wages by 5.8% on average in 2022, the level of inflation. Public transport in Ile-de-France Nine RATP bus lines are completely closed in Ile-de-France. On the rest of the network, the group announces: two out of three buses. Noctilien traffic is normal. The RATP announces “almost normal” traffic on the metro lines, with slight disruptions on lines 6, 12 and 13. For the RER, some disruptions are still to be expected on lines A and B. Interconnections at Nanterre- Prefecture (RER A) and Gare du Nord (RER B) will be maintained. In the Paris region, RER C traffic is very disrupted, with only half of the trains in circulation. Big disruptions also on the RER D, with one train in three. Traffic is interrupted between Paris Gare de Lyon and Châtelet les Halles. The RER E is also idling this Tuesday (three out of five trains). Regarding the forecasts for the Transilien, lines H, N, U are disrupted. As for lines J, L, R, P, they are severely disrupted. Near-normal or even normal traffic on all tram lines, with the exception of T7 with an average of 3 trams out of 4 and the line closing at 10:30 p.m. .According to Bertrand Hammache, secretary general of the CGT-RATP, the movement should not be renewed on Wednesday. This day of strike being only moderately followed in the company. “On the other hand, it is the start of a cycle”, he indicated, not excluding new days of mobilization “after the All Saints school holidays” which end on November 6. refineries and fuel depots, still no significant improvement in sight. The mobilization in the sector for a wage increase is at the origin of this day of interprofessional strike. Monday evening, the Ministry of Energy Transition announced a figure of 28.1% of service stations in difficulty of supply in France. On France 2 Tuesday morning, Olivier Véran, government spokesman, does not rule out new requisitions during the day. On Monday, the Feyzin depot in the Rhône was requisitioned, in addition to that of Dunkirk. “Our objective is to ensure that the inconveniences, the inconvenience, the queues, the difficulties in finding a station, stop as soon as possible”, adds Olivier Véran. “We hope that by tomorrow evening [mercredi], the maximum number of solutions are found to local difficulties”, specifies the government spokesman. Olivier Véran does not wish to question “the legitimacy” of this strike movement but considers that the situation “is not a normal situation”. He calls on the actors to “respect” the social dialogue and the agreements reached between management and unions. The CGT refused to sign the agreement concluded last week between TotalEnergies and two majority unions (the CFDT and the CFE-CGC). ” We respect the right to strike but blocking does not necessarily mean going on strike, and it is not serving the interests of the employees we want to defend”, he concludes. The CGT TotalEnergies representatives are meeting this Tuesday eveningEn strike for three weeks and at the origin of this national mobilization, the CGT representatives of the oil sites of TotalEnergies will meet Tuesday at the beginning of the evening to decide on the follow-up to be given to their movement of wage demands. Then, if we continue, or not, or partially. It will depend in particular on the day today, it restores momentum and there is always this feeling of anger. We’ll see if that’s enough to push the movement forward. And ultimately it is the employees who will vote,” said Eric Sellini, CGT coordinator for the group. The strike action called by the CGT in the refineries and depots continues on all the blocked sites of the French group. It again concerns the TotalEnergies sites in Normandy, Donges, La Mède, Feyzin (the depot, the refinery being shut down for technical reasons) and Flandres (depot).Of the total French infrastructure, four refineries out of seven are affected by a strike for their refining and/or depot operations. The three other refineries in the country, operated by Esso-ExxonMobil and the Petroineos group, are operating. According to TotalEnergies, the six sites affected by the strike have just over 3,400 people in CDI.The company estimates the number of strikers at these sites to be around 90 employees.National education national also call for mobilization for wage increases, the defense of the right to strike but also against the reform of vocational high schools. The inter-union denounces the planned increase in the time of internships by at least 50% which would reduce the hours of general education. According to figures from the Ministry of National Education, just over 6% of teachers are on strike this tuesday. In detail, 2.48% of primary school teachers are on strike, 9.57% of secondary school teachers. For the second degree, the ministry indicates that participation in the strike in colleges is estimated at 7.50%, it is 8.67% in general and technological high schools, and 22.94% in vocational high schools. On September 29, during the last strike in education, 11% of teachers were on strike, again according to ministry figures. The SNUipp-FSU is demanding an increase of 300 euros per month for the teaching staff. For the SUD union, “the 3.5% increase in the index point not only does not catch up with the freeze since 2019, but is already largely devoured by inflation”. The strike also promises to be followed by the Atsem (territorial agent specialized in nursery schools) and the staff of nurseries according to the CGT. For its part, the National High School Movement calls for a blockade in all high schools. Several have been in progress since this morning, such as at the Hélène Boucher high school in Paris. In Alès (Gard), around thirty students from the Jean-Baptiste Dumas high school blocked the establishment. Ditto in Rennes where about twenty students block access to the Bréquigny high school. Public service The UFSE-CGT, the majority union of the public service, also calls for a strike on Tuesday. The three sectors are called upon to mobilize: State, territorial and hospital. According to the statement from the Public Services Federation, the strike notice covers the day of October 18 and “extends until the end of the month”. The union demands a 10% increase in the index point and opposes the pension reform. The CFDT Santé-sociaux calls on employees to walk out in clinics and retirement homes, “to express their dissatisfaction with the stagnation of wages, while the financial results of large groups are doing wonderfully.” What should we expect for this strike day on Tuesday, October 18? © Visactu 150 assembly points planned in France Nearly 150 assembly points are planned in France according to the CGT, which is organizing this day with the FO, Solidaires and FSU unions and the youth organizations Fidl, MNL, Unef and La Vie lycéenne. First trade union in France, the CFDT has on the other hand decided to stay away from the movement, not believing in the effectiveness of large interprofessional demonstrations to obtain wage increases in companies. In Paris, the demonstration will start at 2 p.m. Italy square. The procession of vocational high schools will parade from the Saint-François-Xavier metro to the Sèvres-Babylone metro. The police anticipate 15,000 and 2,000 people respectively for the two Parisian demonstrations, and the authorities expect to see the “ultrayellow” and “ultraleft” trying to form a procession in front of the union square. The first processions begin to gather a almost everywhere in France. Like here in La Rochelle where around 200 people gathered in front of the La Pallice market. The procession started in Marseilles. The demonstrators demand a salary increase. In Orleans, the procession set off in the fog towards the prefecture of Loiret. In Avignon, a thousand people marched in defense of wages.

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