Half of the victims of trafficking come from Latin America and are under 24 years old

9.5% of the cases of capture and submission took place within Spanish bordersSpain continues to be mainly a country of destination for trafficked persons, although to a certain extent it is also a country of transit and originAfrica is the second continent from which but these victims come Diana, a young woman from a rural Bolivian area who wanted to succeed as a singer, opened a Facebook profile to publish her musical demos and, through this channel, was contacted by a supposed Spanish producer who suggested she come to Spain to record a video. As soon as he picked her up from the airport, he locked her up in her house forcing her to do housework and sexually exploiting her. Samira, a young Moroccan woman, was offered an education and a future in Spain by a friend of her parents. The 14-year-old girl was exploited as a domestic helper without any salary. At 18, they arranged a forced marriage for her, from which she was able to escape. Chantal, a young Nigerian, was prostituted for her when she arrived in Spain, also fleeing from a forced marriage. On the trip to Europe, in a small boat, she suffered physical and sexual violence. Upon her arrival, she Chantal was forced to work as a prostitute in an industrial estate to pay off the debt demanded by those who organized the trip. Currently Chantal has been able to recover her life and her autonomy. She has a residence and work permit, she has been able to study with a scholarship from the Esperanza Project and works as a clerk in a store. All of them have been victims of trafficking and assisted by the Esperanza Project in Spain. Of all those who received comprehensive help from this organization in the last year, 50.9% came from Latin America, a percentage that has increased considerably in four years, since in 2018 they accounted for 28.9% of all victims. This follows from the report prepared by Fundación Mutua Madrileña and Proyecto Esperanza in which nearly a thousand cases attended to since 2018 by the entity’s 24-hour telephone number have been analyzed. To contribute to raising society’s awareness and identifying cases, The Fundación Mutua Madrileña and Proyecto Esperanza have analyzed the data of the victims served by this non-governmental organization between 2018 and 2021. This entity, linked to the Religious Adorers, is specialized in comprehensive care and assistance for women victims of trafficking and has launched , together with the Fundación Mutua Madrileña, an awareness campaign to warn of this crime and the violation of human rights that it entails. In the last year, Proyecto Esperanza detected 136 cases of victims of trafficking, of which 126 were women, 2 men and 6 minors in charge of their mothers. Six out of ten registered cases (61%) were captured and exploited for sexual purposes and 72% of the victims were under 24 years of age in 2018, a percentage that has been reduced to 55% in 2021. Colombia and Nigeria, main countries of originAs for the origin of the victims attended, after the majority origin from Latin America (50.9%), it is followed by Africa, with 44% of the people attended. Colombia and Nigeria were the main countries of origin, followed by Venezuela and Cameroon. 9.5% of the cases were internal trafficking; that is, the recruitment and subjugation took place within Spanish borders. Graphic trafficking in persons in Spain. EUROPA PRESS Spain, according to the Group of Experts against Trafficking (GRETA) of the Council of Europe, continues to be mainly a destination country for trafficked persons, although to some extent it is also a country of transit and origin. The vast majority (84%) of trafficking victims are women and girls trafficked for sexual exploitation. According to the Statistical Balance of CITCO (Intelligence Center against Terrorism and Organized Crime, under the Ministry of the Interior) on Exploitation of Human Beings in Spain indicates that in 2020 a total of 269 victims of trafficking were formally identified by the security forces.

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